Chapter 4

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A/N: So from what I have left to publish, this book might have six chapters in all. I'm hoping anyway. Enjoy!


"Any music preferences?"

"I normally drive in silence."

"No music? That's just weird."

"Is not. Some people like peace and quiet. It shouldn't be that surprising considering I have to share an office with you all day."

"You wound me with your words."

"Up yours." Thus is the typical end to one of our conversations as I continue driving while Dustin stares out the window. This is the third day after the Julius incident and I've been driving Dustin to work and back home each time. I'm still wondering why I'm even doing this for someone since before I never cared about anyone but myself, but I really do care about Dustin. I find it rather puzzling but I don't dislike it all that much.

We make it to the company's garage and I pull into a vacant space. We walk in silence towards the elevator and the moment we reach our floor, I can tell something is off. Everyone in the office looks like they're on edge, giving looks towards one another and even whispering. The moment they see me, the air gets even heavier. Just what the hell has everyone so spooked? Unless Julius decided he wanted to drop by, in which case I might have to call the police department.

However, when Dustin and I enter our office, Julius isn't the person waiting for us. It's a woman who appears to be in her late twenties with a nice figure and soft features. She has a professional air about her and I realize she's the reason my employees are scared. The moment she sees us, she smiles and holds out her hand for me to shake, which I do slowly.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Donovan. My name is Charlotte. I'm Mr. Barrette's secretary." I can only assume that this Barrette is Julius and this is the woman Dustin told me about who saw us at the restaurant. When I look over to Dustin, I notice he's guarded like she might lash out at him. I bump his arm with mine and when he looks at me, I motion him to go work at his desk. He looks at me like I'm insane but doesn't argue with me and goes to start working. I look back at this Charlotte and notice she's watching Dustin with an expression of interest and disdain. I feel myself get angry but I ignore it and smile.

"And just what business does that man's secretary have with me? I believe my intentions were clear the last time we met." She looks at me again and her smile returns.

"Believe me, you were heard loud and clear. But my boss knows that not everyone can say no for long. That's why I'm here to give you an offer."

"What offer would that be?" Charlotte walks closer, pulling a folded piece of paper out of her breast pocket before handing it to me. I casually take the paper then open it, only to realize it's a check. I look at the sum and whistle at the amount written on it. 2.5 million dollars is the total written on the line.

"Well, isn't that generous of him. Might I ask why he wants to give me such an incredible amount of money?"

"He asks that you accept this money in exchange for Dustin." My eyes narrow and I grin wider. I take a peek at Dustin who is watching this little scene with worry and irritation before looking back at the woman in front of me.

"Does he now? I'm sorry to say but I have to decline his offer. I happen to like my secretary too much to just give him away." Just to make my statement clear, I rip the check in two and hand the pieces to Charlotte who seems unfazed.

"I would also like you to deliver a message to Mr. Barrette. If he continues to harass me and my secretary any more, I will not hesitate to destroy his company and entire empire."

My Arrogant Boss (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now