Chapter 3

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A/N: Now up to chapter 3 with this story and still some left to publish. And again, I couldn't think of a song that really fit well so I went with what I thought fit best. Enjoy!


"Maybe we should go to the museum."


"How about the aquarium?"


"The zoo?"


"Is there anywhere you wanna go?"

"Not with you."

"Why not? We had so much fun yesterday."

"I'm still pissed about what you said after I unwillingly kissed you."

"I can't help it if you're just bad at kissing."

"If you make one more comment I will not hesitate to toss you out of that window and let you fall to your death."

"Ok, ok." Hunter walks back to his desk, smiling, and starts sorting through the papers Betty gave him earlier while I continue working. I'm hoping he'll get bored of me soon so that I don't have to deal with this anymore. If he pushes me any further I might really end up killing him. I'm not known to have a lot of patience with people like Hunter. Luckily, Hunter doesn't bug me the rest of the day and I'm finally able to leave. I quickly make my way out of the office and down to the lobby. However, the moment I leave the building, my day goes from majorly irritated to this has to be the worst day of my life.

"Nice to see you Dustin." You have got to be fucking kidding me.

"Julius?!" He smiles that damn smile I remember all too well and it just confirms that Julius is standing in front of me.

"How the hell do you know where I work?"

"My new secretary saw you with a rather handsome man yesterday at a restaurant while she was there. She told me and I was able to find information on him. Nice to see you're doing well."

"Go fuck yourself and leave me alone."

"Come on, you don't mean that."

"Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Leave. Me. Alone." I go to walk away but Julius grabs my arm and pulls my body towards his.

"Don't be like that Dustin. I just want to have a little fun."

"Let go." I wrench my arm from his grip but he just grabs me with his other hand. His grip is even tighter and I just know that it's going to leave a bruise.

"Come back and work for me. I wasn't able to have my fun with you last time."

"Not in your life will I ever come back to work for you." Julius frowns and for once, I feel slightly scared of him.

"You don't have a choice." He starts pulling me to the black car while I struggle to get out of his grip but to no avail. Just when I'm about to use my suitcase to bash his head in, my other arm gets grabbed and I'm pulled in the other direction.

"I'm sorry but he works for us and I don't appreciate someone trying to steal my employees." We both turn and I see Hunter smiling at Julius, but it isn't friendly in the least. Julius just glares at him but gives Hunter his own smile.

"Sorry to tell you but he worked for me first."

"I don't think you understand. Dustin is my secretary and therefore he works for me."

"Then allow me to buy him from you."

"I'll put this another way. Dustin is mine and he belongs to me so leave him alone and don't come here again." Hunter is no longer smiling and this is the first time since I met him that I'm truly scared of this man in front of me. Julius growls but releases my arm and continues towards the car, perhaps admitting defeat. Once he's in the car, he rolls down the window and glares straight at Hunter.

"I will get him back." He then drives away and I'm left leaning against the man who just saved me which is also the other guy I can't stand.

"Do I get a thank you?" And there's the reason I hate him so much. I pull away, ready to snap but instead of blowing up in his face, I just stare up at him. As much as I want to yell at him he did save me from Julius. On the other hand, I was ready to take him out even if he was bigger than me. But there's no telling what Julius would have resorted to... dammit.

"Thank you." Hunter looks genuinely surprised that I didn't snap at him before smiling once again.

"You're welcome. Do I also get a kiss?"

"Don't push it." Hunter laughs before suddenly resting his hand on top of my head. Normally I would swat his hand away but I'm too mentally exhausted to care.

"Do you wanna tell me what that was about?"

"It's... complicated."

"I have nothing else to do so you might as well tell me."

"What if I don't want to tell you?"

"You know I'll get it out of you eventually so you might as well tell me now." I bite my lip, realizing that he might actually try and force me to tell him considering everything he's done so far. I sigh and shake my head as I walk towards the building and lean against the wall, Hunter doing the same thing. He's staring at me, waiting for me to begin talking but I don't know how to start. I take in a deep breath and begin explaining by telling him about my dad.

"My dad was the one who recommended I take the secretary job at some company. I told him that I didn't like the way the company felt to me but he just said I was being paranoid. So I took the job and became the boss' secretary."

"Your boss being the guy who just tried to kidnap you?"

"Yea. I thought it was ok at first and that he was a genuinely kind person and..."

"You fell for him."

"...yea. Anyway, turns out I was wrong. He was actually an arrogant jackass who wanted to only use me for his own pleasure. So I transferred and got a job here before things got out of control. I just didn't expect him to follow me and try to drag me back." The whole time I spoke I was looking at the ground so I didn't see Hunter's face. When I finally did look up however, what I saw was pure anger etched onto his features.


Normally, if I had heard a story like this, I'd just say that I have to be somewhere and walk away since I never really gave a crap about other people's problems. But since this is Dustin, all I feel is an unholy rage boiling inside me. Not only did his previous boss lie to him, he tried to use him for his own goals. Of course, some might say the same about me but I haven't lied to him at all and all I've been doing is teasing him. What that guy did is just wrong and underhanded. Yes, even I find certain things just wrong and cruel.

Annoyed at the current situation and the fact that the guy I just met is trying to take away my secretary, I quickly thought up a solution. I look at Dustin who seems to be looking at me with wide eyes.


"I didn't think you had in it you to look that upset."

"Maybe you're rubbing off on me. Anyway, since there is a chance he's planning on coming back again, I'm going to be your personal chauffer from now on." From what I could tell, even though I was probably right about this Julius, Dustin did not look pleased.

"What?! I don't want you being my personal anything!"

"Too bad. I'm not taking a chance with this guy showing up and taking you away to who knows where."

"And why the hell are you so concerned? This has nothing to do with you."

"That's where you're wrong. It has everything to do with me. You're my secretary and therefore you belong to me. And don't say that you aren't because that was the only reason Julius even left in the first place." Dustin looks like he's about to retort but his mouth closes and he looks away.

"Fine. But don't try and pull any funny shit." I smile at him and take him back into the building with me so I can grab my things to take him home.

A/N: And hello short chapter. Oh Well. Thx 4 reading!

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