Chapter 2

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A/N: Here we are, the second chapter. Judging by how long these are going to be I'd say this book will maybe have 4 or 5 chapters in all. If it's more then that's even better. Enjoy!


"The nerve of that guy! Who does he think he is telling me that I have no choice but to date him?! Just wait until I get my hands on him! I'll make him regret the day he was even born!"

"Honey, we both know those are just empty threats. Deep down you know you like him just like all those other people who have wanted to ride his dick."

"Carla, there is nothing I like about that guy. He's arrogant, self-centered, cocky, and very aggravating. How on Earth could I like him in the slightest?!"

"Did we forget about Julius? He was exactly the same way and you still fell for him."

"That's different. I didn't know he was like that until he tried coming onto me." I sigh as I sit next to my best friend.

"Why do I always manage to attract the worst guys ever?"

"Maybe some unknown force just hates you."

"You're not making me feel any better you know."

"I wasn't trying to."

"How can Marie stand you?"

"She loves me and I love her. Duh." I slouch over my knees, trying to think of a way to fix this mess. The only reason I'm even dealing with this is all because I took my dad's advice and started working for that shady company. That's where I met Julius, the kind and caring boss I started working for. Or at least, I thought he was. Little did I know he was a conniving beast who only wanted to control me and get in my pants. Now I'm dealing with another boss who's exactly the same. At least he doesn't try to hide the fact he's a cocky jackass.

"Maybe I should just transfer again."

"What good will that do? Didn't he threaten you that he would track you down if you tried running away?" I nod and sigh again. Why is my life so screwed up? I guess I have no choice but to deal with that annoying jerk. At least, until he doesn't find me interesting anymore. I guess that's all I can do right now.


"Aren't you going to welcome me with a morning kiss?" Mr. Donovan stands over my desk, smirking at me while I try to get my work done. Can't he just leave me alone already?

"I don't kiss pricks."

"How rude~! And here I thought we had such a caring relationship."

"In what way would this be considered a relationship at all?" I was very close to using the pencil in my hand to stab this asshole in front of me. Instead, I tried to remain calm and not get arrested for attempted murder.

"Don't you have work you should be doing?"

"Not at the moment. I'm still waiting for that girl to bring in some work for me."



"Her name is Betty so you can stop referring to her as 'that girl'." Mr. Donovan only stared at me until a small smile was present on his face.

"Sticking up for others, huh? You're such a kind person Dustin."

"You arrogant-" Just then there was a knock on the door and Betty walked inside.

"Mr. Donovan, sir... I have some... paperwork f-for you." He smiled at her and took the stack of papers from her hand.

"Thank you Betty." I watched as she blushed and quickly left the room leaving me alone with him once again. He turned to look at me, still smiling, and he placed a hand on his hip.

My Arrogant Boss (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now