5 years on..

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Five years forward


Chamber's POV

I walked into the park and sat on the bench I looked overhead and saw the outcast sky and predicted that it was about to start raining. I was looking for jobs that were hiring. While looking at an office job, a little girl ran up to me. "Mommy can I have my lollipop now?" She asked. I smiled it was nice to see her in a good mood. "Sure baby. Here you go, take the wrapper and put it in the garbage bin over there." I said as she started to walk away toward the garbage cans. I got into deep thoughts thinking about how fortunate I that was to not get an abortion or put my baby girl up for adoption. Sure my parents kicked me out and I had to drop out of high school, but luckily Saphire let me stay with her ever since Charisma was born. Overall, she and my daughter are the best gifts I could ever have. As I look up from my phone, I see Charisma, my daughter, talking to a man. As I walk closer I hear their conversation. "What's your name little girl?" The man asked. She seemed shy, playing with her blonde curls. "Um Charisma, what's your name?" She answered in her sweet voice. She knows she shouldn't talk to strangers but she is the friendliest kid I know. "My name's Mic-" he gets cut off as she sees me and runs towards me. "Mommy I met this guy." She said with her bubbly voice. "Hi, I'm sorry if my daughter gave you any trouble." I laugh. He starts to take off his sunglasses. "Oh she was no bother at all; she's quite adorable. My name's Michael. Pleasure to meet you both." He responded, fully revealing his extremely pale face. I go blank. I can't speak realizing it was him. He obviously didn't remember me, but I clearly remembered him. Clearly. "Oh hello I'm Chamber." I stutter to get that out. Then he looks shocked realizing who I was and has a genuinely apologetic look on his face. "Oh my god. Hi Chamber." He took a big, long sigh. "I'm so sorry for everything that I have done to you." He says. He must of remembered what happened when we last encountered at his party he had found out that I got pregnant but didn't know who had done it, and all the harassment and pain he had cause me. Then he looks at Charisma and back at me blinks a couple times and whispers, "Is.. Is she you know, mine?" We both just stare at each other for a minute or so then I stared down at my girl. I have a big sigh. "Well. Uh, yeah." I speak. I turn to Charisma. "Baby, meet your dad." I say sounding ashamed. "I thought Daddy went on a trip?" She said seeming confused. "Yeah well he came back." I smile weakly. She comes from behind my leg slowly, and runs up to Michael and hugs his legs together as tight as she possibly could. "Daddy!" She yells as she runs to him. She has the biggest smile on her face; I hadn't seen that smile for a long time. He picks her up and looks to the ice cream stand that is nearby. We start to walk over to it as Michael is questioning Charisma about the stuff she likes. "I like the colors purple, green, black, and blue." She answers still smiling. We sit down and all share an enormous banana split that Michael refused to let me pay for. As they were talking, I allow myself to go back into deep thoughts. Wow. He really has changed, from what I have seen. Maybe he can be a part of Charisma's life, but only his actions and time will tell.


"Are you alright Chamb?" Michael asked. "Uh yeah. Charisma honey, lets walk back to the park so you can play with your friends alright? It was good to see you Michael." I smiled weakly and we started to walk back to the park. He came up behind us, "Chamber I still have some time before I have to meet up with the guys, can we talk or something?" He asked. I moved my hair out of my face "Uh yeah. I'd like that." I smiled weakly. Charisma ran to the playground while Michael and I sat on a bench. "She seems like a really good kid." He smiled. "Yeah she's pretty great." I said. There was a small amount of silence. "So, when can I be a part of her life again?" He asked. I blinked a couple times. "Um I honestly don't know. I would like to see how your life is, how you are if you're uh-" he cut me off. "Violent?" He questioned me. "Yeah." I kept trying to avoid looking at his face. "I'm not any more. The boys have been helping me with my anger issues. Who are these boys he keeps mentioning? Charisma ran up to me. "Mommy can we go home? I'm tired and all of my friends left." She gave sad puppy dog eyes. "Sure dear, it's about to rain anyway." I turned to Michael. "Goodbye Michael. See ya around." We started to walk away. "Wait let me get your number." He took my phone and we exchanged numbers and he started to walk in the other direction. Charisma grabbed my hand as we walked away towards home. "Mommy are you and Daddy going to make us a family again?" I took a second to answer her question. "I don't know sweetheart. I just don't know."

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