Make Your Vows

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Calum's POV

I'm scared. I'm standing behind this wide tree, thinking. I have been moving around from every hotel, almost out of money. I have $50 left. I can't go home, I screwed up big time, for everyone in that house. They all probably hate me. My parents said I could go back and live with them, but I can't until I figure out what to do about the situation at hand. I knew I shouldn't have told Chamber how I felt, but then I would be lying to both of us. I miss them all. I have received texts and calls, but I'm scared to answer them. Luke sent me a letter I thought about replying to, but I figured he would share it with the rest of the guys. I know that if I did answer any of the texts, calls or letters, then they will want me to come home and none of us are ready for that. At least I'm not.


Ashton's POV

We have been looking everywhere for Calum, but he doesn't want to be found. He's been missing for over three weeks, and we are all terrified of what's happening to him. We have gotten a few texts from him telling us he's okay, but I miss him. Fans have made the hashtag #Calumcomehome, but he hasn't been tweeting back to the fans either. He's my family when I can't be with my real one, and we need him right now. It has always been Michael and Luke, and Calum and I, it's hard when your other half isn't there with you. I feel this is all my fault, for yelling at him, like I'm the one who drove him away. I didn't mean to yell at him in that moment, but he hit his own brother, and tried to date his own brother's fiancée, which is unacceptable. Saphire has been here to comfort me, along with the other guys, but Chamber and I haven't been speaking much. We both feel guilty for his disappearance, and it has put the wedding plan on hold. It's late April, and he needs to come home, we aren't complete without him, and we just look and feel like a broken home without him.

Outgoing Text: Cal-Pal:

Calum please come home bud, we all miss you. We're sorry. I'm sorry.   

-Ash xx


Luke's POV

Calum has been gone for what seems like an eternity. I wrote him a letter, he never replied. It's hard without him. I mean I'm on Michael's side of this situation, he had no right to hit Michael. But he needs us right now and the only way we can help him is if he comes home. Ashton and Michael have Chamber and Saphire, and I have Calum when they aren't available. I miss him so much. He helped me with Charisma and anything else when I needed it. Chamber probably feels awful; feeling like she brought this upon all of us. Saph, Mike, and I go and comfort her when we feel she needs it most, but we need some comforting ourselves. I text him daily, but there is never an answer, just me on one end. Calum please just come home. For our and your own sake.


Michael's POV

Calum Thomas Hood. He's all any of us think about. He hasn't come home since he left. He hasn't come to get any of his stuff. We have contacted the police and they put out a search warrant, but nothing has turned up. That was only a day ago that we did it though. I usually sit holding Chamber, as she cries, watching the clouds and days go by, of him getting farther and farther away, and my worries getting bigger and stronger. "I'm going to take Charisma to the park, do you guys wanna come?" Luke asks walking by my bedroom. "I'm good. Chamber?" I asked. She sniffled before answering, "no I want to stay here." "Your going." Luke said, and I smiled for the first time in almost a month. "Fine." She got out of my grasp, put her shoes on, and off they went.


Chamber's POV

"Let's go put you on a swing." I smiled grabbing Charisma's hand, running. "Wait for Uncle Luke!" Luke yelled. We both pushed her on the swing for a while, until we were getting ready to leave. "Mommy that guy over there keeps staring at me." She said, she seemed really scared, and I was ready to tell him who's boss. I walk over, noticing empty beer cans and cigarettes from other days by this tree where the man was standing. I get in front of him and start to threaten him. "Now you listen here. You leave my daughter alone or I will beat the living shit out of you got it?" He stands up and takes his sunglasses off. "Chamber?" His familiar, Australian accent shines through. I pull him as fast as I can into a strong embrace. "Calum." I say into his shoulder. "I missed you." He whispered. "I missed you too we all did." I say hugging him even tighter, and him gripping even tighter than I was. "Where were you?" "Ya know, around." He said seeming confident. "Well your damn good at it the police couldn't even find you!" I yelled. "Yeah its one of my many talents." He laughed and I raised an eyebrow. "Guys look who I found!" I shouted and watched as Luke and Charisma bounded over to us. "Dude!" I released and let Luke get some action in. He kissed Calum's cheek, and I let out a chuckle. "I missed you man!" He said pulling him in for like the hundredth hug. "So are you ready to come home?" I asked when we were all done hugging him. He let out a long, and deep sigh. "Are Ash and Mike still mad at me?" He muttered. "No. They both understand why you did what you did. Ashton has been apologizing to all of us for what he said constantly. Michael is glad you did. He's happy you did it before we were married and I am too. We all just want you back home safe, with us. We hate when one of us is missing. So are you ready?" There was a long pause. "Yeah. I think I am."


"So Michael and I have set a date for the wedding." I say standing before everyone holding his hand. "You have?" Ashton asked. "Yeah we are having the wedding.. Drumroll Ash.." Michael says pointing to Ashton as he bangs his hands on the table. "Tomorrow!" I exclaimed. "How is that possible?" Calum questioned, seeming excited but confused. We got passed him having feelings for me. "Well, I already had called a catering service, a couple weeks ago. We planned to have the wedding for tomorrow anyways. We just didn't know if you would show up. But we were lucky we found you when we did." Michael answered. "Oh well that worked out well." Luke said. "More like fate I suppose." Saphire said winking at me. "We have one problem though. I don't have a dress." I said. "Well I can fix that." Saphire smiled grabbing my hand leading me out the front door.


Michael's POV

April 27th. It was the day of the wedding and I couldn't be more prepared or happy. I had been counting down the days since she said yes, becoming as excited as I could be. "Do you need help bro?" Luke asked as I leave my thoughts; looking into the mirror. "No I'm good, thanks though." I smiled. "I just felt it was my duty as best man to make sure you were fully prepared for this." He seemed confident with his capability to be my best man; it was funny to watch, actually. I walk down to the altar with the guys single file behind me, then watch as Chamber's friends come down to stand at the altar with us as her bridesmaids. This is it. It's finally happening, and my life is taking its course that it has mapped out for me. Charisma walks down holding a basket throwing flower petals out randomly. Now, I just need my beautiful fiancée and Saphire, but, where are they?


Chamber's POV

"I can't do this." I panicked, pacing around the room. "Yes you can, you know it's what you want, what Charisma wants, and what we all want for both of you. I love you and we are gonna do this as one big family." Saphire assures me. "I know why do I doubt myself all the time?" I laughed, still freaking out inside. "Now you look beautiful lets go Mrs. Clifford." She said grabbing my hand. "Its time. I have to go. See you at the alter, I love you!" Then released as she walked out of the room. "Wait Saph!" She stopped, turning around. "What?" She cocked her head sideways. "My dad isn't here and neither is my mom. No one can walk me down the aisle." I realized. She reached for my hand again. "Together forever." She nods her head towards me. "Just like always." Our hands connect and we walk out of the room into the light, together.

The usual bride music comes on as soon we walked out from the inside. The light was blinding, but when my vision corrected itself, the view in front of me was incredible. White carpet, white folding chairs, and white tables with black rose bouquets on each table. There was a white arch that Mikey and the boys were standing under, the whole sight was magnificent. We got up to them and Michael took me from Saphire, they were both crying which made me start crying even harder than I already was. The priest gave his whole speech, and we finally got to the "I do's" We both said them and with that the priest said, "You may kiss the bride." We both connected our lips like we hadn't in years. The whole world disappeared for a few minutes. I think we both realized that we were in public, making out in front of all these people, at the same time, because we both pulled away at the same time, blushing, seeming embarrassed. Everyone was cheering and whistling, it was finally done, I'm officially Chamberlain Clifford, and couldn't be happier.

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