Chapter 4

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Hey lovelies, this is another chapter and please comment and vote.
2 weeks later
It has been two weeks since the thing with Jay and Evie has happened. Not a word was said to nobody especially Doug and Audrey. To bad they couldn't take there boyfriend/girlfriend because they all ready had plans with their family. The thief and the bluenette haven't spoke lately but still try to not change anything between there friendship .

It was already the end of the last school day at Aurodon for starting winter break. Everyone was excited but Evie and Jay were nervous. They weren't ready to have to be in a room with just them four of them. Then knowing there friends they would probably try and have them together.

They were all in there own dorms that they share,packing their things. The limo that was going to take them to the hotel. Carlos and Mal had a very sneaky plan for the both of them but where going to start when they get there.
1 hour later
All the villain kids where outside waiting for the limo with there bags. Evie had pack so many bags, that she had to beg Mal to use a spell to fit everyone of her clothes and sewing kit into 2 bags.

When the limo came Doug and Evie said bye to each other and Audrey gave Jay a kiss on the cheek.

He felt weird when she kissed him. He felt like it was just a usual kiss and wasn't all that faltered of the kiss. For some reason his mind went back to the time Evie kissed him that morning it felt...more special.
Evie's POV
We all enter. I sat next to Mal and Jay. My stomach did a flip when I sat next to him. I am really nervous about this whole vacation winter break thing but I am just kinda excited to see how this hotel thing goes. I hope nothing happens between me and Jay.

1 hour later

We where here already and Mal had to wake up Carlos and Jay. She didn't do it in a nice way though. She moved closer to the two boys and shouted "WAKE UP!" I even jumped. They immediately woke up and jumped up to stand but got bump back down because of the roof of the car.

" Ow! Why did you do that for! " They both exclaimed. I gave a little giggle. Jay was pretty cute whe- No EVIE stop. I scowled myself.

One by one we got off the limo, until Mal got out. There was a handsome cute guy waiting for us to all exit the limo.

"Hello we will have your bags up in your room. I will be giving you the tour and help you with anything that you would like. The payments have all been payed from King Ben. Know as we start are tour, please follow me!" He explained.

The whole time I can tell he would glance at me during the tour. As we where heading down to the Jacuzzi and pool Mal asked, "What's your name? ". He respectively said " Alan. You know the son of Aladdin and Jasmine. I look back at Jay and he stiffened. Carlos was telling him to relax. After a couple minutes he did but shot mean glares at him.

As we saw everything we where just amazed. Who knew the pool and Jacuzzi was a hole that had water in it. Then the Jacuzzi had warm water. What!?! Crazy things here. I was kinda scared tho, because we didn't know how to swim.

Alan saw this and explained to everyone,"It's OK there is a low point next to the stairs, as you go further away it gets deeper and the jacuzzi is not that deep so you are OK."

We nodded and he continued are tour. Soon he showed us to are room when we where done. It was D63, it had a pretty rose carved and painted on the door. The lock on the door was different then the ones in Audron it had a thin line in the middle and had a red and green small light on the side. I looked at it curious. Alan gave a small chuckle. " We have a different lock here. Instead of a key you slide a card. It will open like a regular door. Now speaking of your card keys here you go. One for each." He explain reaching into his pocket and hand each of us a cards. He gave me my card last and smiled at me.

"Then if you need anything let me know.. " He smiled, had daydreamed smile looking at me, then quickly finished," Um yeah just say Adien.. I mean.. Ali.. No. No um... Alan.Sorry!" He apologized.

I twirled a piece of my hair and gave him a warm smile. He started to blush. " It's OK! " "Um would you like to eat sometime!We can hang just as friends. You know!" He nervously asked as he put his toned arms behind his back. He was really cute though.

"Yeah maybe tomorrow night!Will be OK." I answered. Alan was walking backwards, " Well OK see you.. " He crashed with a cart that had sheets and items," Oops later. Hah" He waved and turned. I laughed.

When he made a right turn I turned back to my friends I saw that Mal had figured how to open the door and noticed Jay rolling, his eyes as he enter while Carlos gave me a smirk.

"Evie you do know that you have a boyfriend,right?" Mal teased. "Yeah, flirting with other guys!" Carlos teasing and laughed out. "Yes, I do know that I have a boyfriend and he is sweet and his name his Doug. BTW I wasn't flirting he ask if I wanted to hang. That is way different than a date." Evie explained slyly to both. They gave a teasing smile,except Jay.

So they all stopped and looked around "Wow!" They all barley notice the room they where in. All the "Wow!" 's where repeated. They all looked around. They first went to the kitchen and there was all the things like in there dorm at Aurodon just bigger. When they opened the cabinets,there was all kinds of food. Carlos and Jay immediately went for the bag of Doritos. Me and Mal went out there way as she went to opened one of the two doors next to the TV.

" We have a problem!" Mal yelled out smirking. Weird.

I went to her with Jay and Carlos trailing behind dropping crumbs all over the white carpet. What could be a problem this place is prefect and it's...nevermind... there is a problem. The two doors where both bedrooms,each having the same thing. Bathroom. Tv. Two lamps. But the one thing was one bed in each.

I noticed Mal and Carlos exchanging looks,before I was about to question there weird looks Carlos spoke first.

"Mal and I will have this room!" Carlos yelled. Me and Jay's eyes widen...

That's another chapter. I will update soon. Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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