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Are you serious? Of course I'm not okay! My crazy ex-boyfriend just openly told me that he was practically going to rape me otherwise he would tell the whole world that I slept with his father, yes, his father, Luke. I know what you are thinking, you are thinking that I am delusional or something like that but no, no I am not. I didn't just sleep with Luke, I loved him, and I don't know anymore, I-I think I fell out of the beautiful love that I had with him, I don't feel the same for him that I used to, my feeling are confusing me so much, I can't seem to tell  left from right anymore, but I have to protect Luke, no matter what I feel about him. I have to protect him from the horrible person that is his son. 

"Yeah, I'm fine" 

"Darling are you sure? You know you can talk to me right?" My mum reassured. 

Not about this. 

"Yeah I know" I whispered, I tried really hard to hold in the tears that I have kept in throughout the last 5 minutes. 

"Honey if you want to go up to your room and just calm down you can, I'll just clean up then and say goodbye, but remember you can always talk to me okay?" She held my shoulders, looking into my glazed eyes before enveloping me in a giant hug. 

It felt nice, it felt comforting. 

When she pulled away, she gave me a weak smile and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. 

I gave her a weak smile back and left to my room. 

I heard a faint 'Milla isn't feeling too well' from my mum before I entered my room. 

I fell onto my bed, my breathing speeding up and water spilling out from my eyes. 

I turned around, my face buried deep in the pillows of my bed, my tears wetting the pillows and my face, making my face cold and salty.  

I closed my eyes, hoping that would decrease the amount of tears that escape my eyes. 

I focus on my breathing, trying to slow it down, calming myself. 




"Hey, Milla, wake up" I slowly open my eyes, seeing my mum sitting next to me on the bed. 

"Where are the others? What time is it?" I asked, wondering how long I have been sleeping. 

"Its 7:30, the others left last night" she laughed, my eyes widened. 

"7:30?!?!" I jumped out of bed, my head spinning as I stand up right, walking into the bathroom to take a quick shower. 

I hear my mum chuckle from my room before leaving out the door. 

I take a quick shower, jumping into some skinny jeans and a lose, white t-shirt. 

I dried my hair quickly and took a banana from the fruit bowl before rushing out the door and running down to the bus stop so I wouldn't miss my bus. 

I Just made it to the bus stop when the bus doors closed, I ran up to the front and hammered on the doors, letting the bus driver know that I was right outside. 

I saw his eyes roll and press a button to open the doors, I stepped in, some kids in the front laughing at me, I just brushed it off, sitting down near the back. 






I put my books in my locker before walking over to the cafeteria and bought a sandwich.  

"Hey baby" I heard a husky voice say into my neck, his hand found my waist pulling me to whoever's body it was. 

I turned my head to meet Sebastian's gaze. 

"Get off me" I yelled, pushing myself away from him. 

He looked startled but then just smirked at me. 

"what's wrong baby?" 

"Don't call me that" I spat, my eyes boring a hole in his head 

"oh come on, stop being so over sensitive" He chuckled. 

"Over sensitive? Are you fûcking serious? You threatened me, I have the right to want to stay as far away from you as possible" I yelled back at him, by now a small crowd of people have started looking at us. 

I started walking away from him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. 

I turned around and slapped his face, he clutched his face with his right hand and let go of me. 

I could hear quiet 'oohs' going around as I left, not even daring to look back at that monster. 

"Oh you shouldn't have done that sweetheart" Sebastian yelled after me. 

I just took a deep breath and walked over to a lunch table where Kira and Mathilda was sat. 

I shock my head and let out a frustrated growl as I sat down. 

"Everything alright?" Kira asked, I just sighed, shaking my head. 

"What happened?" Mathilda asked. 

"Ask your messed up brother" I mumbled, taking a bite of my sandwich. 

"What did he do?" she sighed. 

"I don't want to talk about it" I just said, taking another bite of my sandwich. 

"Oh come on just say" Kira said, I just pointed at my mouth that was full of food, shrugging. 

Kira and Mathilda both chuckled. 

We all finished up our food and walked back to our lockers. 

"See you guys after school?" Kira asked. 

Tilda just nodded, me not doing anything. 

"Milla?" Kira asked. 

I just don't feel like being with anyone at the moment. The only thing I really want to do is just roll up in a blanket and cry my eyes out. 

"Uhm I have homework sorry" I said, finding a quick excuse. 

"maybe some other time?" I asked. 

Kira gave a small smile along with a quick nod, I know she didn't believe a word I said but I couldn't really tell her the truth because otherwise I would have to tell her the reason for my crying. 

I turned around and walked dot my next class. My head hanging low and my eyes starting to water again. 



Hey guys I finally wrote my first chapter on my book addiction and it would mean a lot if you guys would go check it out. 

Hope you liked this chapter. 

please vote and comment 

Love you guys!


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