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I finished blow drying my hair and slipping on some black leggings and a loos hanging top when I hear the door bell ring. 

A few seconds later I could hear a quiet murmur coming from downstairs and then the dapper shutting. 

I took a deep breath and open my door to go down stairs. 

I slowly walked down the stairs, listening to whatever conversations were happening, trying to listen to Luke's voice so I could avoid him even though I really don't want to. 

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Sebastian and lock eyes with him, he only scowls at my appearance and continue walking into the living room. 

"You would think that he would have grown up by now" I hear a familiar voice coming from behind me, I turn around and smile as I see Mathilda standing in the doorway. 

I laughed and walked over to her. 

"haha yeah I guess" I just said and hugged her. 

We walked into the dining room to see the table already set up, candles lit, serviettes folded  nicely on the plates, three different types of forks and spoons and knifes. 

"Wow I didn't even know we had so many forks" I laughed, pointing to the table. Mathilda smiled in agreement and sat down, me sitting down across from her in the end of the table. 

Sebastian soo entered the room and sat down next to Tilda, avoiding sitting anywhere near me. 

"Hey where are your brothers?" Tilda asked, I furrowed my eyebrows and shrugged in response to her question. 

"They won't be here today, they are at practise" My mum said, walking in with a bowel filled to the rim of what I can assume is tomato soup. 

Luke followed closely behind my mum and then sat down next to me, my mum taking a seat next to Sebastian. 

I looked Luke's direction, a prominent smirk plastered on his face. 

"douche" I coughed, knowing that Luke was the only one to hear that. 

"Okay so for starters I have made a tomato soup with a bit of cream, hopefully you will like it, its first time I have tried making it" My mum explains, obviously a bit worried about what they will think of the soup. 

"I bet it tastes amazing Lena, no need to worry" Luke reassures her, followed by a wink. 

He did not just do that.

Oh my god did she just blush?

"Please, serve yourselves" my mum offered, handing over the soup spoon to Sebastian. 

After the first meal my mum took all the  bowels into the kitchen, Luke following closely behind her with the large soup bowl.

Mathilda and I started our own conversation about school, and Sebastian was just looking at his phone. 

My mum soon came back with the tray with lasagna on it, she was laughing cheerfully, Luke laughing along with her. I could't help but feel a tiny bit jealous. 

Really Milla? 


Jealous of your own mum?

I frowned at them as they sat down, Luke's smirk had reappeared on his face, his eyes boring into mine. 

That bitch knows what he is doing.

My mum sat down and placed the warm dish in front of us. 

I took the cutter so I could cut out a piece for myself but was interrupted by my mum's cold stare. 

"Why don't you serve the guests first Milla?" 

I sighed and continued cutting the lasagna. 

Luke held out his plate and smiled at me, I rolled my eyes and dropped the cheesy pasta meal on his plate. 

I repeated my actions for everyone else on the table, finishing with myself finally. 


About half way through the meal, Luke slowly placed his hand on my thigh. 

I looked down at his hand and then up at him, but his concentration was set on whatever my mum was saying. 

His hand was slowly moving up my leg until it was resting VERY close to my 'area'.

I looked over at Luke once more to see him not bothered at all, he was still concentrating on what my mum was saying. 

"Remember that Milla?" my mum laughed. 

"uhmm...haha yeah" I said awkwardly, laughing along with her, pretending to remember the story that she just told the others. 

Luke just laughed at me, probably thinking that I was being pretty stupid but I mean he is the one with his hand on my thigh. 

I was trying to focus on whatever my mum was saying, I really was, but Luke's hand was burning through my leggings. 

His fingers began to slowly move and rub me slowly through my leggings. 

I sighed quietly, his fingers feeling so good against me. 

I closed my eyes so I could concentrate on not letting a moan slip out of my mouth. 

"Milli you alright?" Mathilda asked, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Uhm-Yeah, I have a-a mild headache" I stuttered, Luke chuckling beside me. 

"Is everyone done?" My mum asked standing up. 

"Mum no worries I'll take the plates" I said, standing up letting Luke's hand fall from my lap. 

I honestly did not want to do anything but if i could get away from Luke I will gladly do it. 

"I'll help her" Luke said, standing up. 

"No need really" I tried to convince him. 

"I insist" He grinned.

I took all the plates and when I turned around I rolled my eyes.

Is he trying to make me punch him in the face?

I placed the plates into the sink and turned the warm water on, scrubbing the plates with soapy, hot water, until they were somewhat clean.

Soon I felt a warm breath on my neck and two hands grabbing my waist. However these hands were different then what I have been used too. 

I soon turn around but to be met with a face that I was far from expecting. 

"What the fuck are you doing Sebastian?"


I'm SOOOOOO sorry that this update is so late 

School has been so difficult at the moment, a lot of studying has been involved...

I am a million times sorry 


I hope that you guys like this chapter 

please vote and comment 

Love ya'll 


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