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After the 5 hour train ride I finally arrived in the capital of Australia, Canberra.

I took my bag that I had packed and tossed it over my shoulder, making sure I had everything with me before exiting the train. 

I had no idea what I was going to do, where I was going to stay, how long I was going to be here, but I'll take it as it comes, sometimes in life you just have to live life as it comes, and that exactly what I am planning to do. 

Honestly, the only reason I did this was to escape reality just for a few days, I need the space, I need time to breath and be myself. 

I stepped out the metal vehicle and strolled towards the large exit sign. 

Well I guess the first thing to do is to go sight seeing. 

I walked out the train station and spotted a bus stop in the distance, it didn't take me long to reach it and luckily for a bus came right when I arrived. 

"Excuse me Ma'am are you going to enter the bus?" The bus driver asked me seeing as I was just standing right in front of the door. 

"Where does this bus go to?" I asked. 

He pointed at a poster that was stuck on the bus station glass wall. There were three big pictures of three different buildings, The Questacon, The Parliament House, and the National Museum of Australia. 

Well, that is perfect.

"One ticket please" I said to the bus driver, handing him the money as he gave me a small piece of blue paper that was my ticket.

I sat down beside the window so I could see out and observe the city. 

I haven't traveled much ever since my parents got divorced so its nice to finally see something more than just Sydney. 

It only took about 5 minutes and then the bus stopped at The Questacon. It was a big building with all kinds of funny lights that were dancing around on the building. I asked the bus driver when the next bus is going to come and he said in about 40 minutes so I hopped off the bus to just go and look round the Questacon. 

I paid $23 to enter and then I went straight inside. 

There were all kinds of amazing things in there, I mean, it was a science and technology museum for kids, but I was definitely amazed. 

Soon there was only 5 minutes until the next bus came so i quickly saw the last of the sculptures and what not and then exited the very large and creative building. 

I walked back the the bus stop and waited for the next bus to come. 

*    *    *

After being out site seeing the whole day i had to find a place to stay. 

I walked down the streets of Canberra, trying to find a hotel, finally finding one at the end of the street I was walking down. 

I walked into the building and went right to the reception, "Hi, uhm, do you have a room free?" I said. 

"Wait right there sweetheart and I'll check" The lady at the reception said. She turned to face her computer and pressed a few buttons before turning back to face me. 

"We have one room free, but you have to be out in two days because another guest is coming that reserved that room", she sent a fake smile my way, handing me the key to room 56 and then pointing toward the large elevator in the middle of the room. 

I found my room and as soon as I entered I charged towards the large fluffy bed tat was placed in the middle of the room. 

I closed my eyes for a minute, just thinking how my life has escalated. I mean, for god's sake I travel to another city because I couldn't take it living in my own. 

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