Chapter Four

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**Picture of Shirley on the side** 

Chapter Four

The next day Olivia woke up feeling pretty anxious. She looked at the time on her alarm clock which was setting upon her nightstand. The clock read 7:00a.m which was two hours before the time that she actually had to show up for work. Groaning, she reluctantly climbed out of bed making her way to the shower. She set the temperature of the water to her liking and took her time freshening up. She wanted to wash away any nervousness or anxious that was flowing through her.

After she was finished showering, she went into her closet to pick out her outfit for her first day of work. Olivia didn’t know why she was so nervous to go back to Ace McKnight’s temporary office.

“Maybe it was because you practically yelled at the man like you were his mother, Liv.” She muttered to herself.

She bit her lip, a bad habit she had been doing ever since she was a little girl whenever she was thinking long and hard about something. She wanted to go to work looking like she belonged there, but then again she didn’t want to go looking like a drab old business woman. She brought both hands out in front of her pushing away the hanging clothes on both sides. She kept searching then quit.

It was perfect. She smiled while reaching for the dress. Luckily, the dress was the kind of piece that didn’t have to be ironed. Olivia finished drying her hair then slipped on her undergarments that she’d already picked out the night before. She slipped on the dress and walked into her kitchen barefoot. She knew for sure to calm her nerves she was going to need a cup of coffee. She went over to her coffee machine to start brewing the calming liquid.

When the process began she walked back to her room to pick out her accessories for her outfit. Olivia looked to the other side of her massive closet and picked out a simple silver chain. She looked in the mirror scrunching her nose up. Something was still missing from her outfit!

She got an ah-ha moment when she spotted her comfy black jacket peeking out. She placed the jacket on her bed, laying it out so it wouldn’t get wrinkled up. Before she put on her jacket, Olivia wanted to at least sip some of her coffee. She treaded into the kitchen to pour a cup of the sweet sensation that was still being warmed in the pot.

Ten minutes later, Olivia had finished off half of her coffee, put on her jacket, and found a pair of black heels that matched her dress. She was just about to walk out of her house when her phone buzzed letting her know when she had an unread text message.

“Who in the world could this be?” She asked aloud knowing that no one was going to be answering her question any time soon.

I hope you have an amazing day at work. Think of me. :) – B

Olivia chuckled to herself while rereading the text message that she’d typed out.

I thought we were past texting? Isn’t that for high schoolers and college students? – O

She got a reply back instantly.

You’re right. – B

Olivia chewed on her bottom lip. She looked at the time on her phone: 8:05a.m. If she was going to walk to work she needed to get a move on. Throwing her phone in her bag, she opened up the front door and walked out but not before checking the lock. She couldn’t afford for someone to break in thinking her house was a huge giveaway event. She’d be devastated if she lost everything she’d worked so hard for.

As soon as her heels touched the block her phone started to ring. She dug inside and grabbed her phone once again. She didn’t even bother looking at the caller ID.

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