Chapter 15 (Edited)

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Amy's POV

It's been three months since Caleb and I have been dating. It seems like only yesterday we began dating. We've been on 3 dates in the past two months. I've met his mom and she seems pretty nice. She cooked dinner for us three times and everyone's talking about us at school. I have to admit dating Caleb isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Also over the past two months, our football team has won the championship and he's agreed to tryout for badminton with me. (Thats what I'm trying out for this year). We both made the team. So that's where we are now. Badminton practice and it's like 2:30 in the afternoon and practice doesn't end until 4.

"Alright. Today you guys are gonna get with a partner and practice some of the hits and serves I taught you last week for about half an hour. So come get your racket, birdie and get a partner", Mrs. Smith said.

Caleb jogged over to me and grabbed our equipment while I found us a spot in the corner. He came over to me and handed me the birdie and ran to the other side of the net. I served and he hit it back. This lasted for five minutes and I finally scored a point. It looked he wasn't even trying.

"Are you just letting your guard down cause I'm a girl?", I asked.

"No. I'm actually trying", he replied.

"Well we're playing up to five so you better try harder", I said.

"Gotcha babe", he said.

I served once again and we vollyed it for a minute and I scored another point. Well he says he's trying so I just have to believe him.

After practice he drove me home. He came inside and I saw my mom and Debby in the living room watching tv.

"Hey mom", I said.

"Hi Mrs. Monroe", Caleb said.

She turned around and got off the couch.

"Oh Caleb there's no need for that. Please just call me Rachel", my mom said.

"Sissy!", my sister screamed.

Oh god. Please don't hurt Caleb. Or worse start the song again. I'd die of embarrassment. Once again.

"Hey Debby", I said.

"Ca Ca!!!", she screamed.

She tackled him onto the couch and he began laughing. Well she's the second girl to tackle him onto a couch. I smiled slyly at the thought of the night I tackled him onto the couch.

"Okay Debby. Stop before you kill him", I said.

"I wanna play with Ca Ca!", she whined.

"Debby get off of him", my mom said.

"Alright", she said surrendering.

She got off of him and got back on the floor with her dolls. I felt kind of bad to be honest. He seemed to be having fun.

"Amy I need to run to the store real quick. I wanted to wait until you for home. Do you mind watching your sister for about 20 minutes?", my mom asked.

"Sure", I replied.

"Thank you sweetie. I'll be back", she said.

She grabbed her keys and walked out the house. I looked over at my sister who was playing with her dolls.

"What anything to eat?", I asked.

"Sure", he replied.

I walked in the kitchen and pulled some left over taco meat and cheese and sour cream.

"Sour cream?", I asked.

"Yeah. Do you have any jalapenos?", he asked.

"Yeah. I don't see how you eat that stuff", I replied.

"Its good", he defended.

"But it's hot", I said.

"Like you", he smirked.

"Cute. But I'm serious my mom eats this stuff all the time. I don't see how she does it. I tried it and it was to spicy for me", I said.

" Its good. Would you still kiss me if I ate one by itself?", he asked.

"Probably not. The spiciness would travel from your mouth to mine then cause my mouth to burn like crazy", I replied.

"Whoa smart talk", he said.

"Its just the facts", I said putting the meat in the microwave.

"Come on. What if I ate one with a taco?", he asked.

"Hmmm. Shouldn't be to bad then", I replied.

"Then I dare you. Once I finish eating my food, I dare you to kiss me to test your theory", he said.

"Alright", I said pulling out the meat.

I preordered our tacos and put his plate in front of him. He began eating and so did I. Once we finished he pressed his lips against mine. I pulled back due to the spiciness in his mouth. I told him I was right.

"See I told you", I said running to get some water.

"Oh come on don't be that way. You liked the spiciness", he said.

"No I don't. If I did do you think I would be running to get water?", I asked.

"No. But it wasn't even that hot", he replied.

"You keep telling yourself that", I said. I walked over to the couch and spread myself across it. Messing with him is to easy.

"Very funny now get up", he said.

"Nah I'm good", I said.

"Do I have to make you get up?", he asked.

"If you want me to get up you have to carry me around my whole house", I replied.

"Or I could take you to a lake and throw you in it", he said smirking.

"Fine I'll get up", I said not moving.

"You're not gonna get up are you?", he asked.

"Nope", I replied smiling.

"That's it you're going in a lake", he said picking me up.

He set me on his lap and looked at me. I stared into his hazel eyes which seemed to get more beautiful every time I looked into them.

"Amy I have a question", he said.

"What is it?", I asked.

"Will you go to prom with me?", he asked.

I totally forgot prom was next week. Geez Caleb thanks for asking last minute.

"Nope cause that wasn't a proper courting", I replied.

"What do you want me to do? Get down on one knee?", he asked.

"Yep", I replied.

"Alright fine", he said.

He put me on the couch and got on one knee.

"Amy Monroe will you go to prom with me?", he asked.

"Yep", I replied

He gave me a hug and Debby looked at me like I was crazy for hugging him or something.

"I love you", he said.

"I love you too", I said.

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