Well hey guys!
Chapter 7!!! Yay!! I really hope you guys are liking this book! I really do!
So before we begin, look! We got a P.O.V change! This should be good!
Enjoy the chapter!
Silence slowly overtook the blasted underground prison of a home as we all waited. My body was pressed against the rusty bars as I trained my eyes out into the hall trying my best to see what was happening. All I knew is that Harry was down in that elevator bay doing something. For all I knew he could've been caught and was being beaten to death. I exchanged glances with a woman whom sucked in a shaky breath. We all were scared out of our wits. What if he didn't make it? But what if he did? What then? Was he alright in that marvelous world of freedom?
"WHAT IN THE WOLRD!?" Someone shouted from down the hall. All attention was once again on the dark musty elevator bay that no one could see. Then guards came racing down the narrow hallway, barking calls and commands.
"Get a team up there now!!" One yelled.
My mind swept over that. Up there? Did he make it? I looked around at all the madness that had taken place. "Notify Mr. Seneca!" Another shouted.
In all the chaos that was going on around me Colin appeared, walking through the crowd with his eyes set upon me. He reached my cell and we made eye contact. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"So!? What happened?!" I whispered into the young guards ear.
He sent a glance around the room and turned his lips that were pressed in a thin line to me ear.
"You better be prepared for the next few days kid. Mr. Seneca isn't going be happy." Said Colin.
"Why's that?" I asked.
"Harry's out." And Colin walked swiftly away as another guard called him over.
I froze as a feeling settled over me. He's out?
He made it?
"Ivan?" Amberly's little voice whispered from beside me. "Is Harry ok?"
I smiled a huge grin and whispered back.
"Don't worry. He got out."
For the next few hours I watched the guards scurry around and shout orders. At some point in the madness Mckinley came down with about six men behind him. He grumbled stopping to stare at Harry's empty cell that still stood wide open. Then he sent his hard boot in contact with the cell, cursing with all his might.
"If I ever get the chance, that little piece of shit dies!" He yelled slamming the door closed, it jammed in the lock again and didn't swing open like it did before.
Now I am happy that Harry got out, honest, but the whole open cell thing just doesn't add up. It just doesn't seem like a guard to just 'forget' to lock a cell down here. Trust me, they're a lot smarter than you think. I pulled myself against the bars and stared at the lock on the door. Something caught my eye however. Something silver glinted in the dim lighting. It stood out when the whole door was a rusty dark black. As I looked closer the lock itself seemed to be jammed. No, not jammed, but the lock looked broken. Someone broke the lock, so even if the guard did lock it, the door still would swing open anyway. And on top of that it looked fixed so it would jam when closed with the right amount of force. But what was the small silver object that was jammed into the lock. I tried seeing it clearly but sat down as Colin walked in, his boots clicking. Colin came to stand in front of my cell, staring down at me.
I stood. We exchanged a moment of silence when Colin spoke.
"So, what are you going to do now my yellow eyed friend?" He asked. "Your best bud is gone. What's next?" He asked with a smile. I couldn't understand why he was so happy in such a situation.
"Aren't you scared?" I asked instead of answering his question.
"Scared? Why be scared?" Colin replied backing up so he was leaning on Harry's cell. I eyed him as he sent a smirk my way.
I never trusted Colin from the minute Harry befriended him when Colin decided to hand the curly haired boy an extra piece of bread about four years ago. I guess I decided in my thick mind of mine that he was a guard and that guards were never to be trusted.
"Well for one thing you did help Harry escape. Aren't you scared that Mr. Seneca will find out?" I continued.
Colin shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Ok so what if he did find out? What then?"
"Colin he can have you killed! You are in his, territory! He has power here. He can do whatever he wants!"
"I don't see it as much of a big deal." Said Colin. "The way I see it he'll never find out it was me who helped him. He'll search the surface, find that that Harry is nowhere to be seen then he'll just forget all about it. But even if he does take me in for questioning he won't get his answers. I'm a tough nut to crack Ivan. He'll never break me."
I couldn't wrap my brain around his confidence. If he was indeed caught his punishment would be deadly. But at the same time what if I myself was taken in simply because I was a friend. This happy celebration for Harry's freedom seemed more ad more like the road to death as the hours passed.
"Alright. Fine. Believe what you want. But one question. What did you shove in the lock?" I asked looking at Colin.
Colin knit his brow and his sea green eyes contorted to confusion.
"What are you talking about?"
I gaped at him.
"Don't play dumb with me!" I shouted. "You shoved something in Harry's lock so when the guard locked it, it still wouldn't lock and also you tampered with the door so it would jam."
"Ivan. What are you talking about? I never messed with the lock." Said Colin turning to Harry's door. He bent down and squinted at the key hole. Then he stuck his fingers in and wiggled out the silver object I had seen earlier.
"Someone's shoved a nail in here." Said Colin who stared in shock at the little object in his grubby fingers.
"So, you didn't do that?" I asked.
"No. I was in just as much as shock as you were when Harry opened his door."
"Then, if you didn't messed up the door to help Harry-" I said pausing in thought. Colin stared at the door. His chest heaving up and down.
"Then who did?"
Dun. Dun. DUH!!!!!!! Who's helping Harry!?
So PLEASE comment, vote, share! Tell me if you've got any thoughts or concerns. If you're having trouble figuring out what to comment here is some question's for you.
1)So how'd you like the Ivan chapter?
2)Would you guys want me to do some more in his P.O.V so we can find out what's still going on in the prison?
3) what do you make of Colin?
4)what's going to become of our friends?
So please leave a comment and feedback and I will be back very soon with chapter 8!
Thanks for reading!
Love all you dudes!
- Megz x x

Freak [On Hold]
FanfictionFor nine years I've been locked away. Haven't seen daylight since I was 10. I'm imprisoned for who I am. People always tell me I'm a disgrace to society. They say I'm a freak of nature. That's all I am and all I'll ever be. A freak. I may look...