Chapter 9: Hipster Harry

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Liam reentered the room holding a T-shirt. He was grinning wildly as he handed it to Harry who merely raised his brow at the shirt. I as well sent a look at Liam raising my brow.

"What?" He finally asked.

"Batman. Really?"

"Hey, if he needs to wear a shirt he's gonna wear something stylish." Liam said quite satisfied as he fixed the collar of his button down shirt.

I rolled my eyes and watched as Harry slowly took off the sweatshirt. I silently sucked in my breath as I got a good glance at his poor little body. I closed my eyes for only a moment, for seeing someone's rib cage was something my heart couldn't take.

When I opened my eyes there Harry stood wearing the black batman T-shirt that was far to big for him, his skinny arms stuck awkwardly in his pockets.

"So uh, we ready to go?" Liam asked grabbing my car keys and chucking them over his shoulder at me. They flew across the room and I caught them before they could puncture me in the face.

"Come on Harry." I said sweetly with a smile. "It'll be fun."

I ushered for him to go first out the door and I followed behind locking the apartment before leaving.


"Ah it's a beautiful day!" Liam yelled outstretching his arms in the convertible.

I leaned over to Liam once we had parked at a stop light.

"Liam, we are going to get in so much trouble for this!" I whispered.

"Why?" Liam asked sticking his sunglasses over his eyes.

"Well for one thing we're going out alone, with no protection! Paul is going to murder us on Monday!"

"Is Louis Tomlinson actually worried about breaking the rules?" Liam laughed as I sent him a quick glare.

"No! It's just Paul has told us before that we can't go out alone without a bodyguard, I mean what if we get mobbed? You could loose your shoe again!"

"Relax. Everything is going to be fine. I mean we've got him." Liam pointed a finger at Harry in the backseat.

I glanced in the rear view mirror at Harry and frowned.

"Oh yeah. He's going to be a big help when we get mobbed." I whispered.

The light turned green and we were moving again.

The streets of London zipped by as we traveled to the strip of shops downtown. I glanced at Harry in the backseat again and noticed how lonely he looked. He stared silently off into the distance with nothing to exit his mouth. I sighed training my eyes back to the road.

"So Harry, what do you like to do?" I asked trying to start some shape or from of a conversation.

Harry shrugged as he stared at me with his green, glistening, irises.

"I mean like what kind of things do you do in your spare time? What do you do for fun?"

He looked at me his eyebrows furrowing as a concentration face crept onto him. In fact his face was actually pretty funny.

"Well," He began. "I love music."


"Well," I began trying to think of things from my past. I mean what could I say? You can't really do stuff in a cell. Then my mind thought back to the times when life was simpler. When my parents were alive, my sister was with me and when everything was, perfect. I remembered dancing and singing to every song that played on the radio. Those were my good memories. The radio. The only thoughts I had left of the good times. The music was something that would relax me when I was stressed. Their beats and rhythms always had me tapping my fingers to the beat. Even at school I would have some sort of song stuck in my head and my pencil would always dance wildly on the table to the beat of the song.

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