Chapter Five

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Kenny's P.O.V.

I literally was in shock.

This was my house.

Where I grew up.

With Michael.

"Kais, that's Niall's house." Louis said to me.

"No, the one next to it you-" I was about to finish my sentence when I realized something.

I grabbed Louis' sleeve, "Take me to Niall."

"W-" He started.

"Just, please?"

He sighed, "follow me."

When we entered the house, I saw all the boys sitting around a screen watching a soccer (football for them) game. Somebody kicked the ball into a goal and they all jumped up screaming and high giving each other.

"Niall!" I yelled to and ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his body and he did the same.

"You figured it out, didn't you?"

"I can't believe I didn't realize it in the car," I whined.

"I knew you would as soon as you got here," he states, resting his head on top of mine.

"Care to explain?" I heard Liam ask.

"Niall was the little boy who gave me the necklace, I lived next door." I said, detaching myself from Niall.

"Well, duh," Harry said, his eyes returning back to the television.

"It was so obvious," Liam said.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

"Do you wear that necklace all the time?" Niall asked me.

I fumbled with it, "yeah," I felt the blush rise to my cheeks.

He just smiled at me, "I'm glad."

Then, Louis sat down, and there was no where to sit, so I sat on him. He didn't mind, his arms just snaked around my waist and I leaned back on him.

"Niall, can you come help me?" A voice called from up the stairs.

"But, mum," Niall whined to the voice, "We're watching the game!"

"Niall." The voice sounded firm.

"But- oh wait! You haven't met Kaisley yet, come down here!"

I began to chew my lip nervously as Niall called his mom down.

The woman who I vaguely remember came into the room and scoffed, "Niall James, don't be silly, How could I ever forget such a beautiful face?"

I blushed as the woman opened her arms and said to me, "Kaisley, darling, come give me a hug. I haven't seen you in ages."

I stood up and walked into her strong embrace.

She pulled back and studied my face. "I remember how you used to look. Oh, you were so cute. But look at you now."

"Thank you... Maura?" I questioned, not knowing if that was the right thing to tell her.

"Finally, when people call me Mrs. Horan it just makes me feel old. It's good to see you, love, I presumes you'll be staying with us?" She asked.

"Well, yeah, I mean, if it's ok, then yes."

"Alright. Then it's settled. Do you want to help me get the beds ready since my own son is too lazy to get of his big bum and help his poor mother?" She asked me as I giggled and nodded as a response.

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