u p d a t e f i v e

18 1 10


I'm sorry for not being able to write the Creepymas special up due to business.

I'm sorry that I, too, have a life to maintain out of Wattpad.

I'm sorry for not being able to be here every second.

And I'm sorry for anything and everything else.

I am sick and tired of the spammed messages attacking me from everywhere. Stop. I get that it seems like I'm avoiding the Creepymas special! I don't mean it like that. That thing takes a lot of thought and time, because I want to make it as entertaining as possible. Sorry for trying my best!

I was really hoping that I could make up for lost time with my random little stories. I'm really hoping to have the last two chapters up before I leave on that important trip. Anyone who knows about it should not tell anyone else without telling me first and getting my permission.

I really hope you certain people understand my stress and anger...

I'm sorry that I exist
Forget what landed me on your blacklist
But I shouldn't have to prove anything to you
~I'm Just Your Problem, Adventure Time

Sorry. I just had to throw music in there somewhere!

Anyways, yeah.

Please don't push it!

I have some Creepymas stuff planned, I have a story planned, and I have a Valentine's Day special planned, too. So I hope you can deal with it.


Silent is away.


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