Chapter 4

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a/n- i would like to apologize for my lack of posting/updating. my computer has been broken for the past few months so updating has been a constant struggle for me. i really hope you understand? i love you all and hope you're having a great summer...unless you live in australia. xox -farnaz


[Rosalynn Marie]

I opened the door to my new flat downtown, closer to my new internship. I was working in a boring firm until I decided to do something I loved, which was art. I enrolled for a scholarship for Camberwell, an art college. I am, after all, only nineteen. But that's all besides the point. 

Jason walked through the door in awe. I smiled at him in pride that was hopefully masking my confusion. What was so surprising. He wasn't dressed too shabby at all so I didn't assume he lived in a bad place. 

"Something the matter?" I asked, shrugging off my cardigan, leaving me in my white tank with a pearled collar. Have I forgotten to mention that after I decided to block Louis out of my life, I also decided to reinvent myself which conveniently included my wardrobe. 

"I just can't believe you live here," Jason spluttered, after a slight shake of his head. I laughed slightly. 

"Well why is so hard to believe?" I joked. Jason smirked at me before it disappeared completely, which made me feel uneasy inside. 

"Well, I better get going," Jason muttered. "Family dinner and stuff..." 

"No, don't leave yet!" I responded too quickly, which caused a puzzled look to settle on his face. "I mean, you just got here. How about a move, you know, as a thank you." Jason pretended to think about it for a moment. 

"Well, dinner is at 8:30 and it's only 5:15, so why not?" Jason agreed wholeheartedly as he shrugged of his dark jacket to reveal a tight black v-neck that did not fail to show of his abs. I felt my knees grow weak at once. 

We both walked to the family room as I let out a happy sigh. I was finally letting myself move on from Louis properly. I was finally letting go of my past and hanging out with someone who gave my butterflies in my tummy and made my knees wobble. And the last person to do something like that was, well, Louis. 


After two hours of Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook, (A favorite of mine which Jason commented to be a "legend" which I couldn't help but connect back to Harry Styles which only lead me to think about you-know-who) Jason arose to go home. I felt a slight pang in my chest but brushed it off as I led him to the door.

"Thank you again, for today," I stated, with a smile on my face. Smiling, that was one thing I was always doing around Jason. "I wouldn't even known about that creepy dude if it wasn't for you." 

"Well, I am considered a hero in the eyes of my younger siblings," Jason joked as I let out a small giggle. "But it really is my pleasure, if not duty. My mum raised me to respect women and I intend to do just that until the day I die." I think my heart swelled even more than it already was. I was surprised it hadn't exploded as of yet. 

"Well, I have to go see my father so we're both a bit late of something," I replied and he nodded, with the same smirk on his lips.

We both walked to the lobby together as a silence arose but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was nice but especially because our fingers brushed together every time we swayed near each other while we were walking, which sent jolts of electricity starting white hot at my fingertips and stayed white hot till is reached my toes. 


I opened the door to my father's house, much more joyful than usual. Little Annalise noticed my drastic change in attitude as she passed, flashing me a goofy five-year-old smile. I smiled back, probably even goofier as I reached the family room, reaching into my bag for my phone as I opened my mouth to talk to my dad. 

"The craziest thing happened today," I said, rocking slightly on my heels as I looked up. My father was seated along with wife, looking rather angry. I looked back to the big to see Louis freakin' Tomlinson, the guy I had made clear to steer clear from, sitting there. I bit my lip as tears jumped to my eyes and I shook my head, running out of the house. I heard his voice screaming "wait" as feet jumped up to chase me. 

I was a few steps away from my car until I felt a strong pair of hands hold me in my spot. Pain shot up my arm as I yelped and the hands let go almost immediately. I looked up to Louis' regretful eyes. 

"Rose, I'm so sorry," He apologized. "For everything." 

"It's a little to late for that, huh?" I hissed, venom streaked in my words like poison. I opened my car door before starting the engine, and trying my best to speed away from my past.

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