Chapter 7

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Rosalynn Marie

I locked myself in a room, darker than night, just like the rest of the house. My heart was thumping in my chest and the silence in the house was deafening. Tears poured down my cheeks, hot and heavy as my knees finally gave out. Everyone had left the house party gone wrong and as desperately as I wanted to go, I couldn't. I don't know why, but I didn't have enough strength in my being to move my foot in front of one another. 

The walls were closing in and breathing started becoming more of an effort. The ringing in my ears felt like they were getting louder and louder and the most foulest stench found it's way to my nose. I couldn't stop shaking and I just wanted to disappear.

The sirens slowly started to blare louder and louder and I could hear footsteps in the house but I didn't care whose they were. There was one person I wanted to see and that was Louis. I didn't know why because he was the reason for my sadness, but he was also the reason for my happiness. 

I heard the door slam open as my sobbing intensified. My small fingers splayed across my lips as I tried to hold back my choked scream, a whimper making it's way out. I knew it was the police and I would be blamed for the whole thing but I didn't care, I couldn't control this overwhelming sadness and panic. 

"Rosie, oh my god, Rose," I heard a voice whisper as light footsteps made their way to me. I looked my up, my cheeks tear stained and my body shaking. 

"Louis," I repeated in that shaky voice that didn't seem like mine. "Louis, help me!" My voice gained volume with each letter till the point where I was literally screaming.

He dropped to his knees as he wrapped his arms around my torso. I buried my face into his chest, trying to inhale as much of his heavenly scent as possible. His soothing voice whispered sweet nothing's in my ear as my chest slowly stopped heaving. After a few minutes, I felt myself calming down and everything coming back to normal, even though the tears didn't stop. 

"What happened to me?" I choked out. Even though it felt as if my breathing was coming back, every time I talked it felt like I was collapsing.

"It's probably a panic attack, but don't worry, okay? You're okay, you're fine," He promised silently as his thumb wiped a tear sliding down my cheek. 

"I want to leave, I want to go home. Louis, take me home, I can't take it here. Please," I begged, hiccuping slightly. He smiled, brushing his thumb across my cheek, a whimper leaving my mouth. 

"Let's go babe, come on, let's leave," He cooed, helping me up and too his car. I saw the red and blue lights flashing brightly in the distance as Louis sped out of the neighborhood, avoiding the police. We get onto the highway as my tears finally calmed.

"So, what happened back there?" Louis asked, his voice careful as if I was a fragile piece of glass that could shatter at the slightest movement. 

"Well..," I whispered as I relived the night.

I wandered around the halls, looking for Jason. My glass of 7 Up was grasped tightly in my slender fingers as I avoided another random couple grinding against each other to the loud thumping music that was pounding in my ears. I was looking for Jason, I wanted to go home. My fingers rested on top of the cold, silver door handle that sent chills up my spine. 

I opened the wooden door to find a tall figure wearing dark clothes standing inside, his hands placed behind his head that was covered with a Snap Back. He spun around, his dark eyes emblazoned with fury. 

"Who the fu-" He growled, stopping short in his own words. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in here, I should have knocked..," I blabbered. The man took broad steps towards me and the fear inscribed in my chest constricted my movements. 

"Well hello hottie," He whispered as he pulled me inside the room and pulling me into the room. "Wanna have some fun?"

Letting out a scream, I tried tugging away only to have him dig his fingernails into my skin and tighten his grasp. Letting out another high-pitched yelp in pain, I feel his fingers graze over the hem of my dress as his lips started to nip at the skin on my neck. Tears started to stream down my face as I pushed against his chest, my arm movements getting rougher and rougher. 

"Let me go," I screamed. "Stop!" 

Suddenly, the rough knocking on the door caused the unknown man to stop. The person on the other side grew frantic with the pounding. "Someone called the cops, party's over!" He yelled and continued to repeat, yelling all around the house. The man pushed me into the wall, a sharp pain inflicting my shoulder and even more tears clouded my eyes. 

I sat there, sobbing and I couldn't stomach all of this. The 7 Up felt like fire in my stomach as I could feel it rising up my throat. My head was swimming and I couldn't stand being in this room. I ran out before I could think anymore. I had to get out.

"Rose," Louis whispered. I realized I had started crying again and we were parked outside my apartment building. I shook my head, telling him I didn't want pity. 

Louis sighed and got out of the car, jogging over to my side of the car. I realized he was wearing sweats. He opened the car and without a word, pulled me out. We walked to the building and I could tell how relieved he was that the paparazzi hadn't ganged up outside yet. We walked wordlessly into the lobby and up to my apartment. Taking the key I was holding out to him, we walked inside and to my room. 

"I'll leave you to change," He muttered before exiting the room. 

I rolled my eyes before slipping the tight dress, that I had planned to throw away tomorrow, and slipped on the sweats and t-shirt, hanging loose on my body by covering up a healthy part of my body. 

"Lou?" I called out, my voice small. I didn't want to be alone right now, since his touch was burning into my skin and I needed someone to be here with me. 

Louis padded into the room, pulling off his grey v-neck. I froze in my spot on the bed as he climbed in next to me, his eyes closing instantly as he grabbed onto my thigh, hugging it like a teddy bear. I realized he didn't want sex or anything. He wanted to sleep. Melting into his touch, I layed down. My face nuzzled into his warm, bare chest as I listened to the thump of his heart. 

"Thank you Louis," I whispered, trying to swallow the lump that raised in my throat. 

"You know," He hummed into my ear, his arms wrapping protectively around me. I always felt so safe in his arms. "I could always sense when you're about to cry. So please don't cry Rosie, I hate seeing you so upset."

I left a small kiss on the skin about his heart as I slowly started to drift off, the memory of today starting to fade as the drug known as sleep took over my mind, body, and soul. Kind of like the way I fell in love with Louis. 

Just as I felt myself falling in love with Louis and the drug all over again, I was awakened with a loud thumping on the door. I bolted upright as Louis pulled me closer, a protective feel in his grasp. 

"Rose!" A voice yelled, anger filled in each syllable. 


A/N- sorry i haven't updated, i just have a lot on my plate. a loooot of drama coming up, stay tunnned. :) -farnaz x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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