Chapter 2

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A/N- trying a new format, please bare with me! P.S- if you dont know the chracters last name, well, too bad. xox -Farnaz


[Rosalynn Marie]

I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. An itchy white fabric was draped over my body and my body felt warm and stiff. I tried moving but I sudden pang in my arm made me stay still. I was scared, where was I? I only remembered a shrill scream before I blacked out and I didn't even get to figure out whose voice it was. Fear was still racing in my veins. 

"Help!" I screamed. 

"Rosalynn, calm down. I'm here," A voice whispered. I strained my neck to see who it was. I was thoroughly disappointed to see my father and not Louis. "Oh thank god you're awake!"

"Where's Louis?" I croaked, feeling a frantic pressure rise in my chest. 

"He's...he's not here," my father said gruffly. 

"Well, where is he?"

"On tour. On his way to...hell, I don't know..," 

"Louis' already left?" I exclaimed, my voice shrill as I bolt upright. I let out a strangled cry of pain as I held a needle in my arm. Tears sprang and clouded my eyes but I swallowed them back as the pain slowly subsided. 

"Rose, careful!" My father cried, rising from his chair slightly and reaching out towards me. I batted him away. He sighed before sinking back into his chair. "Louis and the rest of his mates rushed to the hospital and were here for a good three hours. They had to leave as their management forced them. It's been a few days since they were here-"

"A few days?!" I was shocked. "How long was I out."

"This is the fourth day, I think," My jaw dropped down to the floor. I closed it quickly though. 

"What even happened to me? Why am I here?" I whispered. 

"Bloody hell Rose, you don't remember?" My father mumbled, clearly surprised. 


"Rose, you had a seizure. Caused by stress," My father clarified. I couldn't help but be shocked once more. I ran my hand, that wasn't constricted by the IV, through my hair that was gradually getting lighter as the weather warmed. 

"Can I at least call Louis?" I asked.

My father nodded before handing me my phone that was tucked in the pocket of my jeans. I then realized I wasn't in the clothes I collapsed in, I was in a hospital dress that barely covered my bum. My father left the room that was brightly illuminated by the sun. I turned on my phone that instantly vibrated for a good two minutes because of all the notification I've received. 

One particular mention from Twitter that caught my eye said, "@gooeynouis: aw rose are you sad? out cold for a few day and Louis' already moved on" Since curiosity killed the cat, I opened the photo and there it was. Louis and this blond chick I didn't recall ever seeing were in a lip-lock. Of course, I knew never to actually trust photos because many of the fans were skilled at Photoshop, to say in the least. 

Swallowing my pride, I clicked on 1 which was Louis speed dial. The ringer's shrill clang in my ear wailed three times before Louis picked up and the relief rushing through my body was something that was quite indescribable. A small smile pasted itself on my face as I spoke through the phone. 

"Hi," I murmured shyly through the phone. 

"Rosie, oh thank god, you're awake! I was so worried, you wouldn't believe it. I even cried!" Louis exclaimed through the phone. I giggled lightly before my laughter faded into a small sigh. 

"You know, Louis, I read the craziest thing today," I started. Louis hummed into the phone, letting me know he was listening. 

"Tell me," Louis encouraged. I suddenly heard a sickeningly sweet voice that made my heart drop into my stomach. 

"Louis..are you coming?!" 

The voice made me want to puke. Because the tone wasn't friendly, it was seductive. I heard a small cry emit from the other line and soon, I was hung up on. I blinked in surprise before withdrawing the phone from my ear  and blinked once more in effort to hold back the tears but instead, they came forward. 

I threw my phone to the end of the bed as I crossed both my arms over my chest and leaned my head back on the wall. Pain shot up my arm but I really didn't care. I was trying my best not to care, to tell myself he wasn't important but he was. I head the door squeak open but I didn't bother seeing who it was. 

"Rose?" My father's confused voice rang through the room. "What wrong?" I took my eyes off of the blank ceiling to look at my father. He looked utterly surprised. I shook my head, not at him, but at men in general before starting back down and letting my tears fall into my lap. A few seconds later, I felt someone wrap their arms around me. "Did you call Louis?" My father asked. I nodded ruefully. 

"I wish I hadn't," I whispered. Suddenly my dad got the message and held me even tighter. And at the moment, I felt really grateful to have an actual parent. 

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