Chapter 5

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[Rosalynn Marie]

I walked into the restaurant, pushing my sunglasses on top of my head. A lady in a navy blue shirt and and khaki colored pant awaited me behind a podium, greeting me with a smile. I returned her smile with a mildly fake one. 

"Good afternoon madam! Can I help you?" She asked, her politeness radiating off of her. 

"Um, yes," I answered, digging in my person for my phone. As soon as I found it, I looked up at her again. "Amberly for 3?" The lady nodded as her eyes scanned the list. She nodded after looking at a few names and checked something off on the paper. 

"Follow me," She requested. I obliged, quickly tapping the password onto my phone. She showed me to a take with two chairs on one side and a booth on the other, right across from a window where you could see the London Eye. I nodded a curt thank you before she set down three menu's and walked off.

I sat down in the booth as my phone clicked to the home screen. I went to my recent calls and scrolled down just a bit till I reached Jason's contact (complimented with a ravishing purple heart emoji). Since, what I like to call, our movie date, we had bumped into each other at the art store downtown. He had brought his seven year old sister who told me she dreamed of becoming an artist. She was cute. We had hung out a lot more often and seemed to get upset when I told him about Louis. 

"Hello?" his clear voice spoke through the phone. "Rosalynn!" He liked calling me by my full name. 

"Jason, I might die," I muttered. "Since they found about Louis' surprise visit, the stupid paparazzi have never left me alone." He chuckled on the other line. 

"Do I need to punch some people?" He joked. "Just kidding, but that's what you get for dating one of the most famous people in pop culture today." 

"Hush," I scolded. "How's the family dinners?" 

"Now it's your turn to hush," I laughed. I looked up to seeing my father and my stepmother walking towards us, deep in conversation. I quickly said bye and hung up with Jason and stood up to greet the couple.

"Hey guys!" I say enthusiastically. "I'm really hungry, so let's go over our orders quickly?"

We sat for a good seven minutes, trying to figure out was each of us were getting. In the end, I got a chicken salad sandwich, Dad a turkey and provolone sub, and Julia (my stepmother) a Caesar salad. 

"Listen, honey, I'm so sorry about that Louis incident," My father started. "He just asked to be let in and when I said no, he started to plead. There were people gathering so I let him in before anyone took any pictures."

"It's fine Dad, I'm over it," I accepted his apology wholeheartedly. 

"Actually, I'm happy you let Louis in,"Julia said. I cocked my head to the side, silently pressing her to go on. My father on the other hand look angry and upset as he roll led his eyes, as if he didn't care for opinion. "You both assumed he was here to...I don't know, hook up with Rose? Maybe he was trying to make amends for what he did, you know. He was your best friend before all of this and maybe he needs that person back."

"I guess..," I trailed off, biting my lip. "I wasn't ready to see him, that's all."

"It's been four months, Rose," Julia responded. 

"Julia, please!" My father groaned. She ignored him.

"I don't know what's been up with me lately," I said. "I've been trying to push my feelings away for him and I...just don't know."

"Never do that," she warned. "Always listen to your heart than mind."


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