episode one ; part one

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luke sat at the dinner table eating the small portions of food his aunt beru prepared, listening to his uncle owen talk about the new farmers that moved into the next farm over. nobody had lived there in a while, so they were surprised someone actually took it.

"and get this, when i asked where they were from, they said from another galaxy! how crazy is that?! the only galaxy that exists is the one we live in, as that's what i've always known." uncle owen ranted, making his wife laugh in amusement.

"but uncle owen, maybe other galaxies exist! there's probably different life forms and other planets that we could live in! and also - " luke was cut off by his aunt.

"don't be silly boy, everybody knows that there aren't other galaxies! oh and they have a daughter your age, maybe you should go over and introduce yourself, i mean you do need some new friends." she muttered the last part, luke furrowing his eyebrows as she said that.

"maybe i'll see her in town, it's getting late and i don't want to disturb them." luke replied. he finished his meal and went outside, knowing it was his favorite time of the day.

it was the time when the suns, tatoo one and tatoo two were setting. the sky, rather than it's normal blue color, was filled with the colors of orange, lilac, and pink. luke loved to just stare at it, making him feel at ease. it was a daily ritual.

he stood for a few minutes then left to go back inside, leaving the rest of the day behind to start a new one.

the next day, luke woke up early to go to anchorhead so he could get power converters for the farm. he had notified his aunt and uncle about it already and they were fine with that, so long as he was back to help with the farm. luke got himself ready, went into his speeder, and went to the station.

he parked his speeder and got out, holding the money in his hand. luke made his way to the booth that sold what he was looking for. he heard a soft strumming sound as he walked, and as his curiosity grew, he went towards the sound.

it was a girl sitting on the ground against the wall, playing the guitar, an instrument that luke had only ever seen once or twice. her black case was opened beside her, harboring small amounts of money as tips.

she started to play a light song, and luke, being her only audience, watched her. the girl looked up and smiled at him before starting to sing.

"hold me close and hold me fast,

the magic spell you cast

this is la vie en rose

when you kiss me heaven sighs

and though i close my eyes

i see la vie en rose

when you press me to your heart

i'm in a world apart

a world where roses bloom

and when you speak

angels sing from above

everyday words seems

to turn into love songs

give your heart and soul to me

and life will always be

la vie en rose..."

she strummed the last few chords and luke applauded her before kneeling down across from her.

the girl had long, wavy brown hair with her bangs pushed out of the way. she had hazel brown eyes and wore a style clothes luke had never seen before: a grey long sleeved shirt with the shoulders exposed, black skin tight pants, and black boots that went up to below her knee. she was beautiful, to say the least.

"you have a really pretty singing voice." luke complimented her as she giggled.

"thank you, i really appreciate it," she said, the smile not wiping off her face. "i just moved here, so i take it you guys aren't very big on music."

"nah, it's mostly flying, ships, and being desperate for water." luke laughed, and so did cala.

"if you're thirsty, i have an extra bottle right here. where i'm from we have a lot of these." she reached from behind her case and gave him a bottled water, and luke seemed astounded.

"extraordinary! you guys just put water in plastic bottles like this?" luke asked and the girl nodded.

"yeah, it's not very extraordinary to me but i guess it is to you. i'm calypso, but please, call me cala." she extended her hand for him to shake.

luke put his bottled water to his side and shook her hand. "i'm luke."

"that's actually one of my favorite names for a guy! yeah, one of the guys in one of my favorite bands is named luke, except he's being an asshole at the moment...but you seem nice!"

luke laughed at her remark. "i assure you, i'm not an asshole. i take it that you're a big fan of music?"

cala nodded, still smiling ('jesus christ why am i smiling so much?' she thought).

"music is a really big thing from my planet, like really big. i'm not so into the more popular songs or artists, i prefer lowkey songs or older songs from when i was a baby. i would ask what's your favorite but like you said, music's not very big here." cala explained, using hand motions as she spoke. luke liked how she used her hands as she spoke, it was cute.

"hey, do you wanna come over to my house? i could show you things i brought from home and i'll feed you too, but i'm sure my food is way more different than yours." cala offered as she started to pack up her guitar. luke nodded in excitement, curious to where she was from.

"yeah, can i just get some power converters first? i promised my uncle i would." he said as she finished packing up, standing as he did too.

"no need! i have a bunch of extra power converters at home that people gave us as a welcome present, which i find weird. we don't even have a moisture farm, we just needed somewhere to live. also, i came here because my dad dropped me off. if you brought a ride could we use that?" cala asked him and he nodded.

"i brought a speeder big enough for us and your guitar. it's just over here." luke pointed towards outside the cantina, where he parked it.

"well, that's perfect! i'll show you how to get to my house, and we'll go from there." cala said. luke smiled at his new friend as he led her to the red colored speeder.

 ok but honestly

you have no idea what's coming next (unless ur jordan)

writing this has actually made me physically cry and hypreventilate so


- ro

ps: girl who plays cala is erdvk on instagram, and her singing voice is daniela andrade's, so just type in la vie en rose cover and it should be one of the first that comes up :)

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