episode one ; part two

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that gif fucked me up ok bYE


"so let me get this straight," luke started, focused on both the girl next to him and his driving. "you're from a galaxy within this galaxy and you're from a planet called earth? then you're probably the new neighbors my uncle was talking about."

cala nodded. "yep. my stepdad is a native of tatooine, but he came to earth when he was young, apparently this powerful jedi knight tried killing him, but he got away. when he met my mom, she had just had me as a baby. my biological father and older sister had just left our lives, my mom took custody of me, he took her. i haven't seen them since that day..." she trailed off, knowing she was going off topic and plus it was to emotional for her to talk about. luke decided not to question it, he could tell it was a sentimental subject.

she shook it off, trying not to scare her new friend. "anyways, so my mom and my stepdad got married, and ever since, he's worked from home and on a ship he had gotten. we lived in a small little town and there were a lot of tourists there, which got annoying but i learned to live with it. so when he got it fixed, we packed everything up and just went. he showed me a map of the galaxy, i wanted to go to coruscant or naboo, my mom picked alderaan, but he decided tatooine, as it was his home. don't know why he was so excited. i mean yeah it's his home but there's like, nothing here." she looked at the land around them that passed as they moved forward. it was mostly a bunch of sand, banthas occasionally spotted, and that was it.

"i agree with you on that, my good friend just went to the imperial academy last month, and no matter how much i beg my uncle to let me go, he says no. it gets annoying, i've met friends and watched them leave me behind to start a new chapter of their life while i stay on this damn rock with big dreams." luke sighed sadly, and cala looked at him, concerned.

"well here's some advice: keep those dreams. you never know what awaits you in the future, because soon, you're gonna be off being a great pilot. if you let go of them, let's just say you're never getting off tatooine." she encouraged as he gave her a small smile.

luke spotted her house and drove the speeder towards it, going at a moderate speed. he parked it behind the house and got out, waiting a few moments for cala, who was getting her guitar.

he followed her down the stairs to the heart of the house, a big pit that had doors to the rooms of the house. various houseplants lined the rim of the room and there were a few pictures of her family hung on the walls. 

luke was curious on how they had managed to get such detailed images of themself. was it painted? drawn? he had drawn a few things when he was little but now it was just the occasional doodle in the corner of paper.

cala spotted him observing the portrait. "we have pictures everywhere," she spoke. "just wait until you see my room."

her mom and step dad were wonderful people. when they found them they were sat in the living room, her mom read a book as her step dad ate a food that was unfamiliar to luke ('how different is earth food from ours?' he thought to himself). when the two entered the room, they didn't notice until cala had cleared her throat.

"this is luke, owen and beru's nephew." was the first thing cala had said, introducing the boy next to her.

"nice to meet you, luke. i suppose cala has explained that we are from another galaxy?" her mother asked, looking up from her book.

"yeah, she was going to show me the things she brought with her." luke said.

"well that's fine, we're having dinner later if you'd like to join us."

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