episode one ; part four

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gif doesn't have to do with anything, i just love it :3

y'all are so cute i love you all so much ok enjoy !!

ps: i forgot to say that luke and cala are about 15 in this! imagine 15 yr old farmboy luke holy crap


 "mom, i don't know understand why you took me," cala panted as she fanned herself, "it's scorching hot."

 grace had taken cala along with her to the market that took place at anchorhead about every thursday noon (at least in both of their point of view). cala, being cala, chose to wear a black sweater along with her shorts when it was about ninety-three degrees outside from her perspective. she was too lazy to put her contacts in, so she resorted to her circular, oversized glasses that always hung loosely on the bridge of her nose.

 "you're the one who wore a sweater, besides, you haven't left the house since you met luke, which was two days ago. you need to freshen up, dear." grace sighed as she picked up a strange looking fruit. "how peculiar." she mumbled before putting it in the basket.

 "if you think  it's strange, why are you getting it?" cala asked, looking at the fruit that rolled around in the basket as they continued tou walk. she could feel beads of sweat slowly glide down her forehead and cala grimaced before wiping it off with her right hand.

 "well, benji put it on his 'y'all gotta try this' list," grace paused to show cala the two-page list that benji had given them earlier, "see, right there. starblossoms."

"it's a pretty name for a fruit. maybe it'll taste like the stars, or champagne, since everybody says champagne tastes like the stars." cala mentally glared at her mom for not letting her try champagne before they had left earth.

"the inventor and that waiter from that one sad movie said that, not everybody does." grace explained before picking up some more weird fruits that cala decided not to question.

 "which i would know if i tried it." she mumbled, barely audible.

the twin suns of tatooine burned down onto the people who inhabited the dry and arid planet. cala could hear people moaning and groaning in uncomfort as they sat underneath the harsh suns. perhaps they were drunk and had been kicked out of the nearest cantina, but she could care less about their condition anyways.

"now i'm tired," she mumbled to both herself and her mother. "tired and hot, the two things i would love to be right now."

"oh, lighten up. you'll live." grace laughed before giving some credits to a vendor for a bag of something cala would refuse to eat. cala rolled her eyes and dragged herself along to keep up with her mother.  

grace looked towards her daughter, who showed no expression on her face, just a blank look. she stopped in front of a veggie stand, making cala stop along with her. "why don't you walk around the market?" grace asked, a calm smile on her face that showed she was alright with the idea. "just try to find me when you're bored."

"okay." cala shrugged, and left to walk around the stand they stopped at. she then walked back to grace, who was confused at the action. "okay, i found you. i got bored."

"cala, seriously. go actually walk somewhere else where i can't see you. here are 40 credits, buy something." grace ordered cala as she handed her some coins. 

"okay, but you're to blame if i die." cala retorted. she let out an exasperated sigh before walking off towards more unknown vendors. personally, she didn't really care for anything there, but her mom told her to do it. and she did what her mom told her to do (most of the time).

 normally, cala would enjoy being on her own, but everything was foreign to her. the fruits, the people, basically the entire galaxy. she didn't know what to do, and it's not like she was going to talk to anybody. she's not the type to spark up a conversation with a stranger unless she was buying something. cala didn't even want anything people had to offer.

 she leaned against some building and mindlessly kicked around the sand that piled at her feet. cala wasn't exactly in a deep thinking mood, but she found herself thinking about her future. was she to stay on tatooine the rest of her life or would she explore and travel to different planets? would she even survive in these harsh conditions? what would be the future of her and luke's relationship? as corny as it sounds, she pondered on that thought, thinking if they would be only friends or something more.

 and as if right on time, she spotted the familar mop of blonde hair helping his aunt with the groceries.


this was crappy and short and and such a filler but hey welcome to cala's mind! (get used to it because 94% of the story is from her view)

may the the fourth be with you, lovely readers! :)

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