episode one ; part three

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  it was near sunset now, and cala's mom had just called the two over for their dinner. cala led luke to the dining room, which was similar to luke's except even more pictures were hung on the walls. they weren't portraits, just decorative pictures of flowers luke had never seen before (not like he ever did, really.)

  "luke, you eat meat, right?" her mom asked.

 "yes i do, mrs. bellerose." luke replied, trying to sound a little formal.

 "please, call me grace. mrs. bellerose sounds too upper class. but on the other hand, thank god you're not picky like cala, she's strictly committed to earth food." she spoke, playfully glaring at her daughter.

 "i don't how you like tatooinian food! i get how luke and benji can like it, they're natives. but mom, how you've already adapted to it! it's worse than lunchables. and i hate those." luke looked at cala confused after she said that, not because he was offended that she didn't like tatooinian food, it was because he didn't know what a lunchable was.

 "oh shush, you used to love those when you were younger." grace said before turning towards the counter to continue cooking.

 benji entered the room, and sat down at the head of the table as grace set a plate of meat and eggs down in front of him and luke. luke thanked her politely and she smiled warmly at him.

"cala, yours will be out in a sec." she added before going off to the kitchen, then coming back less than a minute later with a styrofoam cup that had steam rising out of it and into the air. luke could see cala's eyes light up when she caught sight of the food, making him smile at her.

 "are those noodles?" luke asked, looking into the cup. cala nodded excitedly while twirling her fork in the noodles so she could eat it. he continued to eat his food, sneaking glances at the hungry girl next to him every so often.

 "she brought two bags filled with just prepackaged food, the majority of it being chicken nuggets, cup of noodles, cereal, and sweets like candy and cookies." benji commented, chuckling at cala, who was now almost halfway finished.

 "earth food is the only food for me." she simply stated before going back to devouring her dinner. 

 "so luke," grace began, sitting down and starting her food. "how long have you lived on tatooine?"

 "my whole life, really. my parents have died and i never knew them, so my aunt and uncle took custody of me and they've acted as my parents my entire life, even though i call them my aunt and uncle." luke explained, seeing that cala had stopped eating and was now paying attention to him.

 "you've never been off the planet?" benji asked.

 "no, although i've been wanting to. my uncle won't let me leave and enroll in the academy. i want to become a pilot." he responded. benji and grace had a surprised look on their faces as cala beamed at him. he looked at her and gave her a smile back.

"a pilot! cala, you keep hold of this one! he's a keeper!" benji laughed as luke blushed and cala glared at her step dad.

"dear lord." she rolled her eyes and ate the last of the noodles in her cup. luke looked towards the sky and saw that it was turning pink.

"i think i should go now, it's going to be dark soon and if i don't get back, i'm in for it," he spoke. "but thank you for the lovely dinner, and it's was really nice to meet you guys." cala's parents smiled at the boy, who was now stood up.

"oh it was no problem, your presence is delightful and please do come back soon. have a good night" grace smiled and shook luke's hand before taking the empty plates and bringing them to the kitchen.

"i agree with grace, come back soon! it's nice to have another person around rather than cala." benji joked, earning a light punch in the arm from cala. he laughed at her before waving towards the two and going off to help his wife.

"your parents are really nice, i like them alot." he said.

"that's nice, i just can't wait for when they tell you embarrassing stories about me." she scoffed, luke giggling at her remark.

"it's gonna happen!" grace yelled from the kitchen. cala rolled her eyes once more before turning to luke.

"c'mon, i'll walk you out." she simply said, ignoring her mother. she took luke's hand and led him out of the main pit, up the stairs and to his speeder. surprisingly, it hadn't been taken or raided.

"today was fun, i had a really great time today." luke stood in front of his speeder, looking towards the smaller girl standing in front of him.

"so did i, it's nice to have a friend around so i don't get bored here, so thanks." cala laughed, luke laughing along with her.

"can i hug you? or is it kinda of weird?" luke asked, awkwardly.

"it's only weird if you make it weird." cala pointed out.

"so is that a yes, or..."

"yes, you can hug me."

luke stepped forward and put his arms around cala's waist, as hers went around his neck, and her head rested against his chest. they stayed like that for a few moments before puling apart, their faces both turning red.

"bye luke, i'll see you soon." she said as he sat in his speeder, starting it up. cala stood off to the side and looked at luke.

"bye cala!" he gazed into her eyes before turning away and driving the speeder towards his house. cala waved for a moment before retreating back inside. 

 she went to the kitchen, to find just her mother in there, washing the dishes from dinner. cala walked in and leaned against the counter near her mom.

 "you think we'll be seeing more of luke?" cala asked her mom as she just smirked.

 "oh honey," she laughed. "i've already planned your wedding."


also yes this is 1/3 of your birthday present SURPRISE

have a good day my lovely readers :) i'm going to big bear today which equals snow which equals staying inside

 - lord pls help me

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