• chapter four •

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"You are the only one."

"I'm jealous of the nights, I don't spend with you. I'm wondering who you're laying next to."

I think it was summer when I was aware of your infidelity. I watched as the girl you called your childhood partner in crime prance around our flat in nothing but your t-shirt and boxers - the ones that I had worn two, or maybe three days before.

I remember the way you looked at her when you thought I wasn't looking. I remember coming home to find your clothes across the floor. I remember pretending to not know just so you didn't leave me because, lord knows I didn't want you to leave me. Pathetic, I know.

I remember when I heard her through the walls and the door that was left ajar. I can still feel the pain I felt in my stomach. I can feel how my jaw went slack. I can still feel the tears in my eyes and the heaviness in the empty, bottomless pit of where my heart should've been.

I remember asking you if you had anyone else. I remember how instead of acting guilty you replicated some kind of anger and threw all of it at me. I remember the yelling echoing and ringing so loudly in my ears, bouncing off all the walls in this god forsaken flat. I cried and I cried and you yelled and you yelled. It went on for hours that seemed to drag on like days.


I didn't want to hear your voice anymore. It only brought back the sounds you made when you were with her. Your voice brought me so much pain. God, I didn't want to hear your voice because all I heard were twisted lies that crushed me a little bit more each time.

"You are the only one."

I wasn't. And I knew. So this time, I didn't believe you.

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