• chapter seven •

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"I will stay."

"I want you to leave, it's not that simple to me."

It's warmer outside.

Or maybe it is just you snaking your warmth around me holding me tightly in your grasp.

The yelling and fighting all seems like a blur as we stand on grass that is looking much greener than before.

Somehow, I still feel empty. Your eyes sparkle while mine are dull. Your words promising when I can barely speak to you. Your face bright and hopeful while mine remains impassive. Your heart full while mine has unceremoniously thrown in the towel.

I remember hearing your words.


You smiled as I glanced up at you.

"I will stay."

And somehow, those words were bittersweet. Because, part of me believed that deep down, those were the words I had been longing to hear.

But really, part of me wanted you to leave so that I could move on.

So I believed you, when really; I didn't want to anymore.

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