We got off the plane in eastern Russia. The Leader of the hackers was in north eastern Russia. We found our bags and got a rental car and headed towards the hotel.
I was unpacking beside Tucker when he turned around. I realized it but didn't react to it. I finished unpacking and slid my suitcase under the bed. When I stood up again, Tucker pulled me close to him. My checks burned with embarrassment. I hadn't been held by him since forever.
"Tucker, what are y-" I didn't finish. He pulled me into the most passionate kiss I had ever felt. It made me realize that he truly loved me. I love him.
"I'm sorry." He chuckled. "I just realized I was with you and I couldn't hold back my feelings for you anymore." He went to that bathroom and I could hear him mumbling to himself. I hurt him by not saying anything and just staring like an idiot.
When he came out I was laying on the bed. "What are you doing?" He asked.
"Well he have a few days before the Leader's daughter and her fiancé has to arrive for wedding practice. I figured we should chill for a while." He looked at me with those green eyes. I swear they see right into my soul."Well okay." He said. "Are you cold?" He looked around. "Where are your blankets?" He asked.
"The blankets I had had blood on then with crusty dead bugs." I told him. His face made a disgusting look and he walked over to his bed, unfolded the covers and checked for anything gross in his. "All clear." He said. He walked to me and picked me up, carried me to his bed and tucked me in.
"Where will you sleep?" I asked. "On this bed." he said pointing to mine.
"No sleep with me, there's no heat and it's cold." I patted the spot beside me. He crawled in and laid there for a solid hour just staring up. He soon went to sleep and I snuggled up next to him. He smelled like the Axe shampoo he used in the shower. I fell asleep and suddenly the was a pounding at the door. Tucker was still asleep and I shuffled to the door. I opened it and was immediately snatched; I managed a scream before a gag was shoved in my mouth and the door slammed shut. The last thing I heard was Tucker's voice saying, "Sarah?"*** by the way her name is Sarah, sorry I haven't really mentioned it.*** ;)
Back to the story!!!!I heard him say that before I was hit on the head with a heavy object and everything went black......