**sorry for the delay but I was choosing how I wanted it to go. 😊 **
Tucker's POV:
Backup has arrived and I figured out where they took Sarah. They ran further tests and I was mad at them for screwing stuff up.
"Sarah, I hope you're okay." I say as we leave the hotel.
We get the abandoned warehouse on The end of East Street, where 3 slick black cars were parked. I motioned to the other agents to clear the perimeter before we went in. When they signaled al clear, we entered only to run right into trouble.....*****just kidding!!! And so we go on!!!!****
There were 3 hallways and they all looked the same. We split up and started walking down each hallway.
It felt like we were walking for hours until me and two other agents saw a beam of light coming from under a steel door. I cracked it open to see Sarah, alone and broken. I'm about to go in when I hear a deep, menacing voice growing louder.
"We'll get the info if it's the last thing I do!!" The man shouted angrily.
We were behind a corner and I watched him approach the door. He opened it and slammed it shut. His muffled words were incomprehensible. I cracked the door open again to see a gun pointed to Sarah's head. I reacted and kicked the door open and sprinted to the gunman. His reflexes were useful because he pointed that gun and shot. Sarah screamed and I felt the burning sensation and the blood come pouring out of my shoulder. I stopped only for a second before I kept going after the gunman. The two backup agents went for the other guy and to untie Sarah. I pulled my gun and shot at the gunman. Bullseye. 🔫