Getting settled

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I think I had fallen asleep..

"Hey Lily?" Someone asked, I opened my eyes to come face to face with Kakashi, I blushed hard as he moved backwards and sighed

"Come on already" he muttered. I nodded grabbing my bag and putting it over my shoulder. Following Kakashi off the bus as I saw Minori glaring at me. I looked down to my feet confused.
'Why is she glaring at me?' I thought, I sat down on the grass up the back of group only to avoid the bullies. A gazebo was set up with a table underneath it as well as with Paper on it, I looked around.. There were plenty of cabins. Kakashi sat beside me, watching. He acted like a student here, probably told to by the teachers. Mr Wing ( the science teacher ) then walked to the front of the group and smiled

"Alright. The year 7-8's will be to the left of the camp. The 9-10's, 11's and the teachers will be to the right! We've gotten your groups organised and they aren't mixed!" I heard my older sister groan, she was only a year older then me, she already had a boyfriend, they had slept together multiple times. how do I know? I hear them.. Every night.. She is always with him.. Her name is Piper, My younger sisters name was Sam. Samantha is her full name but she likes her nickname more. Sam sat with her friends, she was 13. Three years younger then me. I sighed as Sam then sat next to me

"Hey Lily!" She whispered grinning, I smiled at her

"Hey. You hanging out with Bradley again?"

"What?! No!" She exclaimed frowning, I smiled at her teasingly as she leant against my shoulder

"Your mean"

"Well it's not my fault you like Bradley" she humphed and went back to join her class. I smiled at her,

"That your sister?" Kakashi asked leaning towards me so I could hear him. I smiled

"Yeah. Her names Sam"

"Huh. You have any older siblings?" He asked, I sighed and nodded

"Yeah, Piper. Over there eating her boyfriend" I say scowling.

"I can see that" he says quietly as he watches Piper and her boyfriend Rex. I sighed and looked down.. Kakashi didn't seem to notice though, thank god. The last thing I need is to be embarrassed Infront of him.. Mr Wing then called out the groups,

"Piper, Claire, Mackenzie and Kate" mr wing called out "Samantha, Sarah, Carlin and Rose" a few other groups were called out "Minori, Rachel, Crystal and Robin" a few more groups, and my name wasn't called. I sighed as the teachers were assigned their bunks. Kakashi wasn't with anyone.

"You wanna bunk with me?" Kakashi offered, I stiffened and blushed. I mean getting an offer to ya know, live on the same room with a person you barely know but have a major crush on is um... A big thing.. Well to me at least.

"Nah I'm alright..." I lie. Though I'd like the company.. But I have to admit I would never say anything I think Infront of him. He'll probably just think I'm a creep and leave me alone. Like the rest.

"There's not enough room in any of the other dorms. You'll be sleeping outside" he muttered to me, I blushed again

"I'll be fine, I've got a tent"

"Sure" Kakashi muttered, I sighed as we were then allowed to explore, i walked off pretty quickly. My sisters going with their groups, my friend going with her's.. I just walked into the forest and found a little cabin. I then climbed a tree and sat down, I began drawing in a sketch book I brought. Sketching a character from one of my books out roughly, I'd add a few details to it later but for now it's just a rough sketch. I heard squealing and laughing from the groups of kids, people mingling with eachother. I had always been left out until I met Minori. She was my best 'friend' up until we hit highschool. Now she's just one of them.. A pussy. I sighed and leant my head back

"Might as well stop. No point" I say to myself as I catch Kakashi reading at the base of the tree I was up on "Hey. Just wondering but are you following me?" I asked, I heard him smile

"No. I'm just doing my own thing, this is also the cabin I'll be staying in. You will be too"


"I told your teacher you were missed and weirdly enough he said that you should join me since there was no more room in any of the other dorms"

"Oh" I mumbled climbing down and putting the sketch book back into my bag. "Wanna check it out?" I asked, Kakashi looked up from his book and smiled.

"Yeah. Might as well" he stated as he held onto his back pack and smiled.

"Don't need much do you?" We both asked at the same time, I blushed a little and sighed 'this Is the kinda thing I dont like..' I thought, Kakashi chuckled..

"Well anyway" he whispered unlocking the door. The dorm had a little porch. Two windows. Showing a okay sized room, a desk. Wardrobe, a bunk bed

"Before we do anything. I am taking the top!" I shouted climbing up and sitting up, accidentally hitting my head on the wall.

"Owie!!" I mumbled clutching my head

"I'd get stuck up there anyway" Kakashi muttered smiling at me. I blushed and smiled as I climbed down and looked around

"Pretty good for a two person dorm!" I exclaimed hands on my hips. I was excited now, happy to have fun.. Kakashi chuckled at me again making me blush.. 'God.. Those books I read make it so hard to actually talk to him!' I think sighing as I explored, one bathroom, one Built in shower. I blush automatically... My mind filling with embarrassing and perverted thoughts, hey the girls weren't lying! I looked around a little more, Kakashi was laid down on his bed, book on his face as he relaxed. I grinned climbing up to my bunk and looking around

"Am I taller then you now?" I asked randomly. I heard him chuckle again making me blush again.

"Should be. Not really bothered to get up and check right now"

"Oh" I said slowly.. I heard him move from the bottom and sigh

"Might as well unpack while we're here" he muttered getting up. I nodded in agreement.

"Hey mind shoving these into the drawer? Since you there?" I asked handing him my clothes that I was to wear for the  next three weeks

"Sure" he muttered taking them from my grasp and putting them in the wardrobe, I sighed putting my iPad on the desk and placing his books on it too for him.  "Well that was a lot quicker then I thought" he stated smirking as I shoved my now empty bag underneath his bed, he did the same with his. I then walked out and grinned.

"I have to say this is a whole lot better then home" I exclaimed smiling as Kakashi soon caught up with me.

"I guess" I frowned at him making him smile as we walked down the path back to the main building where everyone was gathering for a briefing...

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