Night #11

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I smile a little as I lay down, kakashi had gone to go get dinner. I had suggested I go get it but he just stared at me and said no. Like what the heck? He does know that I can take care of myself apart from his sister almost catching us both in the shower together,.. But God! Having to ask him to get... It! Why?! Why was I so stupid?! Kakashi then walked into the room and smiled

"Hey.. You okay? Your blushing again~" I blushed at him and smiled a little

"N-no I-I'm alright" I whisper. He then begins to smile wider

"What time is it?" He asked curiously, I look at my phone and sigh

"9:42 why?"

"Hmm.. Come on" he whispers, "get into something warmer, it's surprisingly cold tonight" he whispers. I smile and get changed into some long tracksuit pants, he was already dressed in some tracksuit pants, a dark grey T-shirt and a black zip-up hoodie, I smile and move my hoodie over my head and sigh as he takes hold of my hand and smiles

"Come on" he whispered taking me outside, he then looks back to where smokey should be, I gasp

"Smokey?!" I shout alarmed, Kakashi then took hold of my arm and pulled me back to him

"Don't worry he's probably sleeping"

"B-but-" I start, what's up with him?.. Where's he taking me anyway?

"Come. On" he growls slightly, I blush a little as he leads me onto a track. I jump a little as I heard something move... I inch closer to Kakashi making me look at me

"You okay there say?" He asked I blushed and jumped slightly, I moved away and smirked

"Of course! It's not like I'm afraid of the dark or anything!" I shout, he stares at me for a few seconds then laughed...

"Come here scaredy cat". He mutters bringing me close

"Besides why would I be scared"

"Because.. You've never gotten over that fear haven't you?" He asked, I blush.. Even if my dad locked my in a dark room with no lights on it was still frightening even now.. I don't particularly like the dark that much..

"N-no" I shutter, he then smiled, bringing me closer. I smile a little.. He was so warm... "Why are you always so warm...." I whisper making him smile..

"I don't know" he whispers back, I then head a horse making me raise an eye brow

"Smokey?" I question, walking faster. Kakashi just smiling as he relaxed

"Feels great being out here" he said, i look forward

"Yeah..." I reply as I walk into a clearing to see Smokey and Luka?

"Luka? Boy what you doing out here huh?" I say crouching down, Luka ran up to me and barked licking me cheek. I smile and look back to Kakashi who was smiling

"Hi" he says smirking, I stand up and gave him a suspicious look

"This wouldn't happen to be your doing would it?"

"Maybe it is maybe it isn't" he states, he then grabs my hand again and sits down on the grass. I follow his lead and copy him. He then smiles as Smokey walked up to him, head leaning down and hitting kakashi's head. Kakashi smiled and patted Smokey's head

"You know how to ride a horse?"

"Huh? Ride? Oh.. Uh no. I don't why?" He asks, I smile

"Cause you just seem to get along so well with my animals is all" I whisper, patting Luka's head. Kakashi chuckles

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