Day #6

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I opened my eyes slightly.. Only to come face to face with some pretty good looking abs. But oh my god were they toned... I lifted my hand and touched it gently, they were so hard and muscled.. It made me feel hot damnit

"What are you doing?" Someone asked, i flinched and moved backwards. I stared at him as my face heated up so much it was burning..

"O-h u-u-uh.. N-no-nothing.." I shutter

"Really cause it looked like you were touching me" he states sitting up and smirking behind that mask. I blushed and averted his single eye. He smiled

"You do know if you keep doing that then you'll get punished correct?"

"P-punished?!" I shout. Kakashi nods, I blush and nod

"I-I'll stop then" I shutter sighing..Kakashi smiled at me, we then heard scratching at the door. I looked back with an eyebrow raised

"what the?" I say.. Kakashi then got up and opened the door, it was then when a puppy ran up to me and jumped at me. "Luka?!" I shouted as the puppy began to lick my face, Kakashi then shut the door and raised an eye brow "Aw you poor boy! Why'd you come all this way to see me huh? Was mommy's dad hurting you again?" I cooed.. The little puppy whined at me, kakashi stated at me with a confused look. "Oh this is Luka. I rescued him from getting run over once. Ever since then he's been following me, must have imprinted on me or something" I muttered patting luka's head "he's a German Shepard" Kakashi nods and sighs, sitting sown beside me, Luka tilted his head at Kakashi and growled "Luka.. Don't growl at kakashi" I told the puppy, the puppy whined at me. I smiled and got up and patted my hip, Luka looked up and barked "Good boy" I whispered. I then walked out.. Kakashi following me,

"So that's your dog?" Kakashi asked, I looked back and smiled

"Yep. My dad doesn't like little Luka, in fact my dad has tried to shot the poor little guy" Kakashi then sighed, hands in his pockets. Walking beside me boredly

"What do you do in your spare time?" He asked suddenly, I sighed

"Nothing really, I write, I read, I practise, I get hurt, I ran away I play with Luka and smokey just whatever suits the time and my mood I guess"

"Get hurt? Run away?" Kakashi questioned, I flinched 'god I didn't mean to say that! Me and my stupid brain!!!!!!!'

"Oh that, when I get hurt by accident I tend to go away for a little while... I don't know why.. It's just a habit" I say was a lie.. Almost everything I say about my family is a lie. All except the mother getting killed by the hands of my father and my dad hating me, I sigh and look at him as he sighed

"You do know from the information you've given me about your personal life most of what you say is a lie" he says Sighing
"however, I can't just force you to tell me anything so.." He muttered hands now behind his head as he walked. I sighed

"I always manage to blurt it out without knowing anyway so really you might as well know"

"True, but it's your personal information, and you have your own reasons not to tell anyone about it"

"I guess"

"However. Being beaten on a daily basis and having your father hate you is a problem"

"How did you-"

"I notice those scars sayuri.. I'm not blind" I went quiet... And looked away, rubbing my arm.. "Anyway... You know your not the only one who is treated badly"

"I know that, I just try to prevent it from happening to anyone else"

"Yeah? And that's good.. But you can always ask for help you know"

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