Day #10

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I sighed still feeling bad from showing Kakashi my scars.. Sam just had to walk in on us.. I sigh and lay on my bed.

"Sayuri?" Kakashi questioned, looking at me


"Could you come down?" He asked, I smirk

"No thank you" I say sighing, Kakashi then went up to the side of the bed and growled.

"Down" he growled, I then sighed and obeyed. Climbing down only to feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, I blush and tilted my head back.. I sigh as I hear him growl "Listen to me next time okay?"

"I'll try" I whispered. Kakashi sighed and laid me down on the bed

"Sayuri... Don't act like you don't feel bad" he whispered, laying down beside me. I glanced at him

"Sam wasn't supposed to find out about my scars"

"You've hurt her more by keeping it from her Sayuri" he whispered. Hand now on my shoulder, keeping me down,

"Kakashi.. Let me go"

"No, you've been down ever since Sam left... I don't like it" he whispered. I sighed.. Looking down.. I knew it hurt Sam even more.. I honestly didn't want to talk right now.. The stupid guilt of not telling my younger sister what happens at home will really make her believe our dad is killing me.. Slowly.. I sigh and look away from him

"I figured you wouldn't like it, I just cause trouble and pain. It's all I've ever done, I've cause you trouble, I've became an annoyance to my previous friend and all my classmates.. A nuisance to most of the teachers who don't give a shit about me.. I'm a mistake and a worthless piece of shit in my father's eyes and I'm the fucking reason my mother died! I'm just trouble!" I growled turning over, but her pulled me closer to him, I growled and reached down, his free hand grabbing my wrist that was reaching for my pocket knife

"Stop it" he growled at me, shifting ontop of me, raising my arms above my head on the bed and growling.

"No! It's true and you know it! I'll I do is cause you troub-" I was suddenly caught off my his lips.. They trapped mine in a soft kiss making me whine.. He then pulled away and stared at me

"Your wrong. I've never thought of you as trouble, and I never will Sayuri. Others might but you know well I don't, why the hell do you think I'm even getting this close to you?" He asked, seriously. I look away and growled

"That isn't relevant" I state, he gave me bored look and rolled his eyes.

"Baka... The only reason I've been hanging out with you is because I thought you might need a friend.. Besides your a loner aren't you? A little loner who doesn't interact with others.." He growled. I growl

"Shut up!"

"And yet you deny it and you know it's true, you know your a loner. Without me your alone.." He trailed off as if wanting to say something, I growled at him, what the hell is he blabbering about?! He's not exactly helping right now! Not that I need help! He then shook his head and got off me, keeping hold of my wrists, he then pushed me up against the wall making me blush slightly..

"What the hell are you doing hatake?" I growl, he looked at me, untieing his head band and tying it around my wrists as well as to my bunk, leaving me trapped. "Hey?! What the fucking hell are you doing?!" I shout..

"Shut up" he growled.. Hands going to my hips as he looked at me

"I want you to answer every question I ask, if you don't answer then I'll just be forced to removed a piece of your clothing got it? And you can't do anything" he growled, what kind of torture is this?! He can't do this to me! Can he? "First question. Why do you lie about your life at home" I growl. Not answering. He then raised his hand up to my wrists and ran his hand down my arm
"Sayuri.. Answer me" he growled.. I blush..

"Because I don't need others pitying me and my little sister for the life we live" I state.. He then sigh, getting up. I heard the door's lock click

"Next question. Where do you get those scars"

"Why should I tell-" his lips then crashed onto mine, making me freeze up,

"Don't talk back" he growled, I looked to the ground..

"My dad gave me these scars after he caught me watching him kill my mother when I was 4. As punishment when I misbehaved he dumped boiling water over my head... That's why I can stand extremely hot water.." I whisper, he then kisses my lips softly.. I wanted to hold him..

"Good, last question. How would you feel.... If I striped in front of you right now?" He growled the question in my ear, I blushed darkly

"N-no! D-don't!"

"You've already seen and felt, it won't make any difference"

"B-but.. Minori-"

"I don't give a fucking fuck about what my slutty little bitch of a sister said to you, you'll listen to me got it?"

"Y-yeah" I whisper, he then smirked

"You know.. This is kinda fun having you so vulnerable" he whispered lowly making shivers go up my spine.. If I was brutally honest with myself, I kinda liked this type of torture.. Of course my vagina was aching by now,, being trapped underneath this guy was like burning up in hell.. I know I said I'd never be able to ignite that flame.. But right now.. He was igniting mine.. So quickly too... I blushed darkly as he moved backwards,
"I am, your captain am I not?" He asked smirking.. I giggled a little at his comment making him chuckle "This isn't going anywhere sexual now is it?" I laugh at him as he scratched the back of his neck and he blushed

"N-no it's not!" I say laughing to myself as he smiled

"Well.. Uh.." He muttered, I giggled and tugged at the headband

"Kakashi~! Could you maybe untie me now? Please~?" I coo making him blush even more.

"Uh.. S-sure s-Sayuri" he muttered, he was seated Infront of me arms up at my wrists making me giggle.. He didn't have a shirt on so I got a pretty good look at his muscles.

"You checking me out huh?" He asked teasingly making me blush

"Maybe.. I am maybe I'm not" I state as he relaxed my hands "thankyou. Finally" I whisper rubbing where the headband squeezed my skin slightly. He then took hold of my wrists and rubbed then gently

"I may have tied them a little to tight" he whispered mainly to himself, I smiled

"Silly boy" I whisper. Hugging him, he then blushed and hugged back

"S-Sayuri~" he cooed quietly, hugging me like I was a teddy bear. I giggled at him making him freeze a little

"Kakashi~kun~" I giggle making him tense up even more "give me a kissy~" I said childishly making him chuckle

"Not until you say you want it" he growled at me..

"You know I want it~" I say quietly making him blush scarlet. I then giggle making his blush darker even more

"Silly boy.. Would you like me to massage for you? Hm??" He then went wide eyed and stared at my hand..

"U-uh... If y-you w-want" he shuttered, I laughed at him and let my hand wander to his groin.. He blushed as i touched it. He then blushed darker grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me forward, lips colliding with his as I blushed, kissing back quietly, he smiled and kept his arms around my shoulders making me move closer to him.

"Kakashi" I whisper into the kiss making him smile. I then released him making him smile

"Sayuri... " he whispered..

"Yes?" I ask, he smiled and kissed my forehead

"How many siblings do you have" he asked, I look at him and sighed, I then raised four fingers, making Kakashi look at me confused

"Two sisters, two brothers" I state. I then sigh, grabbing my phone and going into photos. I then pulled up a picture of my family....

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