Night #5

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So we managed to make it to the 'base' just before it was too late to get dinner, like just. Kakashi managed to get a plate for me just before everyone rushed back to the table. I was sitting at my usual spot, against the wall waiting, Kakashi then passed me my plate and sat down beside me


"No problem. Don't want you starving" he muttered, I smiled at him and began eating, it was just some chicken, beef and a few vegetables. But it was still good. Better then the scraps I get at home. Kakashi then began eating, pretty quickly too. I smile and look up to see Minori glaring at me

"So she's the porn writer?" The new girl asked, I don't know why, but the new kids mainly the girls went to the Pussys group, but only because they thought they were popular. I mean come on? Who wants to be popular? All it is that a lot of people either know or fear you. It's stupid. I sigh as Minori nodded and smirked

"And that hot guy beside her is my older brother, I really don't know why he hangs around her but to be honest I bet you guys she's paying him too, only to make her seem like she has a friend otherwise she'd be a loner like she is at school" Minori whispered to the girls. I sighed and leant my head back

"Do you ever believe anything they say?" I ask Kakashi, Kakashi looks at me and shrugs

"Not really. It's just rumours right?"

"Some of it, they just make it seem terrible"

"Well.. What's true?"

"That I write porn" I whisper, Kakashi looks at me again with a somewhat disturbed look "but it's only certain scenes you know? It's not like I write it in every single chapter that's just wrong" I sigh "I'm a loner, I don't hang around those big groups. I don't feel comfortable around so many people that I know that hate me, I'm also an apparent freak, at least to the primary school kids, I'm a weirdo. That never has any friends. Another truth is that I am quiet" I look down at my plate that was on my lap "the teachers pick on me because I'm quiet. I know the answers to the questions but I never raise my hand and answer them, people think I'm a scarcely cat, heck I've had one of the teachers Come up to me and literally say 'it's okay if you want to let others have a go at answering, just make sure you answer some of them too' it's stupid! People glare at me as soon as I put my hand up anyway.. Probably want others to see me as the teachers pet" I explain sighing "heck I don't tell everyone this information you know" I say looking down. Kakashi nodded slightly

"Understandable that they try to ruin your reputation"

"Ha. What reputation? The only reputation I have is for writing porn and sucking guys dicks!" I say frowning, Kakashi cleared his throat a little

"Didn't have to say it so clearly" he muttered. I sigh and give him a bored look

"Another thing, a rumour is going on about you as well" I say, Kakashi looked at me expectantly

"Hm about?" He asks

"You being a pervert" I state arms crossed. Kakashi smirked

"Pervert? Really?" He says amused.. I look at him confused.
"The only reason people say that is because of these books I read" he says holding up his book. "The only thing that people don't know is that their actually quite enjoyable, if you like the genre their written in though" Kakashi says smirking, I smile


"And a bit of drama" he adds getting up. He then tossed our plates in the bin and smirked

"Come on, I'd like to read in peace"

"Oh. Coming" I say smiling as I walk beside him, our dorm was up on a hill. Behind the trees making it the perfect place to do anything we want. I sighed.. As we walked up the hill.

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