Chapter Eight - Kidnapped.

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Raziel's POV

"Hey Raziel?" Parisa asked.
"I kind of.. Um... Have no where to stay..."
"Yeah that's why you're staying with me for a while."
As we approached the large brick house, I  went up to the large, dark oak door and rang the little doorbell next to it.
"Is this you're house?" Asked a curious Parisa.
"Yeah.." I replied, scratching the back of my head.
"It's huge!" she exclaimed, wide eyed.

"No one's answering the door... That's weird.. They should be home."
"Don't you have a key or something?"
"No, that's why I'm ringing the doorbell!"
"Alright alright..."

After about five more minutes, I gave up on waiting.
"We're gonna have to find another way in."
"Do you reckon the back door is unlocked?"
"No, it's never used."

I scanned the area, trying to find a possible entrance. Then my gaze fell onto my bedroom window, and I was hit with an idea.

"Parisa," I said, turning to the brunette, "What will it take for you to shift forms?"
"What do you mean 'shift forms'?"
"I think that you know exactly what I mean."
"I can't."
"I just can't. It's too painful. Emotionally and physically."
"Parisa, we need to get inside."
"Why can't you shift forms?"
"It's against my duty to shift in the human world."
"What if it's against mine too??"
"Parisa." I said with a deadly calmness. "Shift."

A sigh of defeat signalled my victory.
"Shall I face the other way?" I asked, smiling.
I turned myself around to face the houses opposite mine. I fixated my gaze on the large moon above us, floating like a single pearl in a sea of deadly black.
A flash of white from behind me signalled Parisa's completed transformation.
"Please don't look at me. I'm hideous." She cried.
"Can I at least turn around?"
"Whatever, but promise you won't squeal at the sight of me."
"I promise?"

Closing my eyes, I slowly turned back around and braced myself.
Upon opening them, I was met with the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.
Standing there in front of me was a fragile girl with a pale complexion. Her long brunette hair cascaded down her left shoulder. Behind her were her large, gorgeous, powerful, nightmare-black wings. When she looked up at me with glowing, golden eyes, I noticed pointed fangs poking out from beneath her glossy upper lip. She's gorgeous.

"Right." I said, getting back to the point. "Do you see that window over there?" I pointed to my silver-framed bedroom window on the second floor right above a large cluster of ivy.
She nodded.
"I want you to fly up there and open it. It should be unlocked."
She obeyed her instructions and started to beat her jet black wings. I felt my hair rustle with the force.

She floated up and hovered by the correct window. Prying it open, she gave me the thumbs up.

"So what now?" She called.
The embarrassing part.
"You need to try and lift me through!" I replied, hands cupped around my mouth.
She looked confused but shrugged it off.
She lowered herself so that she was just above the ground, and hooked her hands underneath my shoulders. At that point, millions of doubtful thoughts had started to race through my head, but vanished as I felt myself be lifted through the air. Parisa was apparently having no trouble carrying a 17 year old boy through air. She stopped and once again hovered at window.

I grabbed onto the ledge and climbed in, walking across the room to switch the light on. A loud thud behind me indicated Parisa's arrival and a sudden white light told me she'd shifted back to her human form.

I opened my bedroom door and stepped into the dark hallway, dimly lit from the golden light protruding from my bedroom.

"Gabriel?" I called. "Mother? Father?"
I stalked across the hallway to my brothers room, and opened the door. His desk lamp was on. I was looking around for clues of his whereabouts when I saw his phone lying on his pristine white bed. Weird, Gabriel takes his phone everywhere...

Already knowing the passcode, I unlocked it and it opened to messages.
And there I was met with something that made my heart drop.

An unsent message to me reading :

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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