Chapter 12

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Then, we go back to Gryffindor common room
“It’s a bit strange, isn’t it?” asked Hermione
”Strange?” Harry asked
“ You hear this voice, a voice only you can hear, and then Mrs. Norris turns up Petrified. It’s just... strange,” said Hermione
“ Do you think I should have told them? Dumbledore and the others, I mean?” I asked
“ Are you mad?” Ron said
“ No, Fanny. Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn’t a good sign.” Hermione said
“Well, we better get off to sleep then. Maybe the voice will be gone after a good night sleep,” I said.
“Yeah, maybe,” Harry smile. “Good night.”
“Good night,” said Hermione and I.
In the girl’s dorms..
“Hermione, do you think the voices that Harry heard has nothing to do with the chamber of secrets?” I asked.
“I don’t know Fanny. Maybe it is, maybe it’s not. Just hope for the best,” Hermione said.
“Maybe you can ask to McGonagall about this,” I said.
“Yeah maybe, I’ll try. Night Fanny.”Hermione said.
“Night Hermione,” I said and try to go to sleep but it’s just so hard.
The next day, we have Transfiguration class with McGonagall. We learn how to change our pets into water goblets. But all I ever think in my mind is chamber of secrets.
“Could I have your attention, please? Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so. One, two, three, Vera verto. Now it’s your turn. Well, who would like to go first?” said McGonagall. Hermione about to raise her hand but..
“ Ah! Mr. Weasley. “One, two, three. Vera verto.” Said McGonagall
“ Ahem. Vera verto!” said Ron. Scabbers  is turning into water goblets but it still has tail and fur.
“I don’t think we can drink from that glass,” Harry whispered to me. I laughed.
“ That wand needs replacing, Mr. Weasley.” Said McGonagall. Then Hermione raise her hand
“ Yes, Miss Granger?” asked McGonagall.
“ Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about...” Hermione said.
“Yes?” McGonagall asked.
“The Chamber of Secrets?” I finished Hermione sentence
“ Well, very well. Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not,” explained McGonagall.
“ Three guesses who,” said Ron.
“ Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, “pure-bloods.” Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though, shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the Chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin’s view, were unworthy to study magic,” said McGonagall
“ Muggle-borns,” said Hermione
“ Well, naturally, the school had been searched many times. No such chamber has been found.” Said McGonagall.
“ Professor? What exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?” I asked
“ Well, the Chamber is said to home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a monster,” said McGonagall.
I feel that monster, whatever it is, it’s very scary.
“Well, this all for today. And see you next time,” said McGonagall and all of us went to the hallway
“Do you think it’s true? D’you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?” asked Ron
“ Yes. Couldn’t you tell? McGonagall’s worried. All the teachers are,” said Hermione
“ Well, if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, a-and it really has been opened, then that means---“ Harry said
“ The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts,” said Hermione.
“ The question is, who is it?” I asked
“ Let’s think. Who do we know who thinks all Muggle-borns are scum?” asked Ron.
“ If you’re talking about Malfoy-“ Hermione said
“ Of course. You heard him! ‘You’ll be next Mudbloods,’” said Ron
“ I heard him. But Malfoy, the Heir of Slytherin?” asked Hermione
“ Well, maybe Ron’s right, Hermione. I mean, look at his family. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries,” said Harry
“ Crabbe and Goyle must know. Maybe we could trick them into telling,” said Ron
“I think even they aren’t that thick,” I said.
“ But there might be another way. Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention, we would be breaking about fifty school rules. And, it’ll be dangerous. Very dangerous,” Hermione said.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“C’mon, follow me,” Hermione runs and we follow her. She’s heading to the library
Here it is. ‘The Polyjuice Potion. ‘Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another.’ Said Hermione
“ Do you mean, if Harry and I drink that stuff, we’ll turn into Crabbe and Goyle?” asked Ron
“ Yes,” Hermione said.
“ Wicked!” I said.
“ Malfoy’ll tell us anything,” said Harry smiled.
“ Exactly. But it’s tricky. I’ve never seen a more complicated potion,” said Hermione
“ Well, how long will it take to make?” asked Harry
“ A month,” Hermione said
“ A month?” I asked.
“But, Hermione, if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin, he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then,” said Harry
“ I know. But it’s the only plan we’ve got,” Hermione said.
“Hey Fanny, I have noticed something,” said Ron.
“What is it?” I asked.
“You always use the word wicked. Is it your catch phrases or something?” Ron asked.
“Maybe,” I laughed then all of them join to laugh.
Today is the Qudditch match. Hermione, Ron, and I go to find our sits to watch the game. The game already start for about 20 minutes. Slytherin is leading. They’re so fast with that broom. And I see Malfoy is just trying to make fun of Harry whenever he can. He doesn’t really play attention to the snitch. Then suddenly there is a bludger that come towards Harry. It just chases Harry and no one else. It’s weird.
“I’ll stop it,” said Ron
“ No! Even with a proper wand it’s too risky. You could hit Harry!” said Hermione
Then, Harry flies into under the sits. Malfoy follows him. It looks like they see a snitch. A few minutes later, Drace flies away to the field, his broom fly away. But I don’t see Harry anywhere
“Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!” said Lee Jordan.
But, the bludger still tries to hit Harry. Then, Hermione, Ron, and I go to the field
Finite incantatem!” I said. And the bludger cut into the tiny pieces
“Thank you,” Harry said.
“ Are you okay?” I asked
“ No, I think my- I think my arm’s broken,” Harry said
“ Not to worry, Harry. I will fix that arm of yours straight away,” said Lockhart.
“ No, not you,” Harry said.
“ Oh, poor boy doesn’t know what he’s saying. Now, this... won’t hurt a bit. Brackium emendo!” said Lockhart.
“But sir, it’s the spell to..” I said. And I’m too late. Harry’s hand already doesn’t have a bone. “To make your bone dissapear.” I finished it
“ Ah, yes, well, ha, that can sometimes happen, um, but- uh, the point is, uh, can no longer feel any pain, and, heh- very clearly, the bones are not broken,” said Lockhart.
“ Broken?” I said.
“ There’s no bones left!” Hagrid said
“ Much more flexible, though,” Lockhart said as Harry’s hand is flexible like rubber.
“C’mon just bring him into Madam Pomfrey. She’ll know what to do,” I said. The three of us bring Harry to Madam Pomfrey.
“Oh, Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a fuss, you can go. Out of my way. Out of my way! Should’ve been brought straight to me. I can mend bones in a heartbeat- but growing them back...” said Madam Pomfrey
“ You will be able to, won’t you?” asked Hermione
“ Oh, I’ll be able to, certainly. But it’ll be painful. You’re in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business,” Madam Pomfrey said and gives Harry the drink
“ Ugh!” Harry said and spits the juice, and it hits me because I’m standing in front of him. “Sorry Fanny,” Harry said
“That’s Ok,” I said and clean myself with the tissue.
“ Well, what do you expect? Pumpkin juice?” Madam Pomfrey said. “Now you three better get going. Let’s Mr. Potter rest.”
“Get well soon mate,” said Ron.
“Good luck Harry,” Hermione said.
“See you later Harry,” I waved at Harry but Harry holds my hand.
“What?” I asked and I feel myself blush.
“I’m really sorry for spitting the drink at you,” Harry said.
“That’s fine really,” I said. “Bye Harry.”
Then we walk away to the common room. I still smiling because it’s the first time Harry holds my hand. My heart beats so fast but I don’t think my brain agree with it. Fanny, why you so happy? You can’t have a crush on him. His your best friend, it will ruin things. Beside he doesn’t feel the same way.
“Fanny, why are you smiling,” Ron asked.
“Nothing, it just this painting is so funny,” I said try to change the topic.

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s it,” Hermione smirked.

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