Meeting at Your House(Ladrien Request)

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Adrien was checking on Alya's blog on Ladybug, it was night and he couldn't sleep. "There has to be someone that has similarities to Ladybug" he said to himself trying to figire it out but nothing, he chewed on hs pen while scrolling through the pictures and videos of Ladybug and he let out a sigh.

A shadow passed him quickly and it startled Adrien, he stood up from his chair and to his surprise and excitement he spotted Ladybug on a roof of a building nearby with her yo-yo out. He ran to the window and gently knocked on it with his hand, hoping his partner would hear him.

Ladybug heard a small sound and she turn her head left and right until she spotted Adrien knocking on the glass window, she was surprised and excited to see her crush during her patrol. She waved back at him and Adrien was happy to see she spotted him so he waved back 'hmm maybe a visit to Adrien won't be bad' Ladybug thought to herself as she swing over to the window.

Adrien open the window and he backed away so Ladybug could enter in his room. 'Ladybug in my house? Sweet!' Adrien thought to himself , inside he was fan girling but he remained calm on the outside.

"What are you doing out so late Ladybug?" He asked, even though he knew it was patrol night and she smiled at him."I thought I do some patrol incase any villians show up. But then I saw you and thought I come and say hi to you Adrien" she told him with a smile still on her but Adrien was surprise by something "How do you know my name?" She froze when she realize she mention his name.

"oh see you in those advertisements" she told him smiling nervous. To her relief, he bought it and smiled at her. 'Ladybug knows about me. This just makes my day' he said inside his head.

"Anyway I should get going now. Bug out" she told him, waving goodbye before she got her yo-yo and took off.

Adrien ran towards the window and watched her leave. "I can't believe it. Ladybug knows me" he sighed dreamily as he slid down the floor "What just happen?" He overheard Plagg ask as he woke up from sleep.

This was a request from Ladyxnoir who wanted a Ladybug and Adrien moment

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