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I was discharged from hospital on Monday afternoon and it was a relief. Tuesday was what I was dreading but it turned out to to be the opposite of what I expected. I walked down the corridors with people clapping, patting me on the back and even some hugs. I smiled at my new friends and I felt like a superhero. I went to my room and dumped my stuff. I looked in my mirror and stared at my reflection. My injuries weren't as visible now. I had a few scars decorating my cheeks, I lifted my shirt and saw the rib support covering the left side of my torso. I sighed letting my shirt fall again. Juliet exploded through my door, blind-folded me and then left my room dragging me with her. "Ju-" I began to speak but she interupted me "Shush!" I shut my mouth hesentaly. She dragged me along corridors for ages until we came to a halt. Ju removed my blindfold and I studied my surroundings. I was in Chris' room, Chris and my other band members were stood infront of me with their applied piece of equipment. Lauren hugged me "I'm sorry for being a jerk, I wanted Angelo and I should have been proper about it" I nodded to her "Don't worry about it" Lauren moved back to her place next to Ju and everyone stared at me. Chris was the first to break the stare. "This song is for my Ricky, It's called Eyes Open" He announced into the mic. He sang sweetly in a passionate voice and the band balanced it with their accoustic guitar and bass and soft drumming. He finished the song looking directly at me, he reached out for my hand and so I gave him it. He pulled me towards him closing the space between us. He used his free hand to hold me cheek and I used to mine to hold his back. He leant forward so I could feel his breath on my lips. He shut his eyes and he kissed me, he finally kissed me. The background noise of Juliet sobbing and the others faded away until it was just me and Chris in our bubble. His lips moving against mine worked perfectly like clockwork. It seemed my life was fantastic. For now..

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