Lights out

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Rachael's Pov
The dark of the halls keep me from seeing straight. I feel the wall as I make my way down the hallway.
I go to the front lobby where the fire and Gunner last were. The fire was now just a pile of burnt wood and Gunner was fast asleep. I go to the supply closet and open it to see multiple coats and shoes, all men's sizes.
I sigh and sit down by Gunner on the bench. I stare at what used to be a fire but is now a pile of burnt wood. The ashes are brushed out around the wood in beautiful patterns.
I knew we wouldn't be leaving here very soon so I grabbed one of the extra large men's coats, wrapped it around me, and leaned against the bench. I turn back on my side till I fall asleep.

Gunner's Pov:
I sit up as the light floods through the windows. I run my hand through my hair and get off the bench. Only to instantly trip over something.
I stand up and turn around to see Rachael cuddled up at the base of the bench, wrapped in a coat.
That's not mine. Where did she get it?
I look around and notice a open closet in the corner of the room.
"Nice." I mumble.
The closet is filled with coats and uniforms that are way too tall and large for me. I sigh and close the door as I turn around. I hear some rummaging and turn to see Kelsey.
"What up." She announced.
I instantly put a finger to my lips, signaling her to be quiet.
"What?" She said, slightly offended.
I point to Rachael fast asleep, she nods slightly and comes over to me.
"Do you think the others are okay?" Kelsey says.
"Others?" I ask.
"You know. Lauren, Vincent, Eryn, Thomas?" She says.
I clench my fist at his name.
"You...okay?" Kelsey says slowly.
"Yes I'm fine." I mumble through my teeth.
"Oh I don't believe your shit for a second." Kelsey smirked.
"What is up between you and that Thomas kid?" Kelsey asked.
Then it hit me and I remembered that they probably didn't see what happened.
"Gunner?" Kelsey said snapping in front of my face.
I shake my head and rub my forehead.
"Thomas was a fake." I say quiet but still spit like poison.
"What do you mean...fake?" Kelsey asked, figuring it was a touchy subject.
"He was a spy, sent by a rival gang to get intell." I say.
"Intell on what?"
I sit trying to recall the memories until a flash goes through my mind...
The dark room was soon lit as Thomas entered the room. He neared me and circled around me.
"Ah Gunner Walsh. The boy who was immune. The one who for every person he saved he killed thousands more. How does it feel eh, knowing you will someday rot in hell?" Thomas smirked slapping me across the face.
"I-I I'm immune..." I say.
Kelsey dropped the knife in her hand and looks me in the eye.
"Does-" she begins motioning to Rachael," know?"
I shrug and then put a finger up to my mouth.
"If anything I want to be the one to tell her." I calmly state.
"I get it." She says.
"You shouldn't tell Piper. Who knows what kind of danger this knowledge might put you guys in."
Kelsey nods and picks her knife back up.
"How is, you know who, taking it?" She mumbles.
"I don't honestly know. She seems mostly mad, but with her you never know." I mumble back.
"Yeah believe me she probably seems fine but there's a lot you can hide behind a simple smile." Kelsey says, getting up and leaving the room.

Time skip
Rachael's Pov

I sit by the now ignited fire. Piper hands me a can of beans. I swear I couldn't eat a can of beans for one more night, so I hand them over to Gunner.
"You okay?" Piper asked.
"Yeah...super." I say, with hints of sarcasm.
"That's a bunch of shit." Kelsey exclaims.
I look to her with a mostly pissed, but slightly sincere expression. Gunner holds a hand out and I place a knife in his hand. He then slices open the bean can. The beans pour in his mouth and I hear the sounds of the others eating as I sit in the silence. Gunner finishes off his can and throws it in the fire. As does Piper and Kelsey. Piper gets up and picked up her shotgun, gripping it firmly in her hand.
"Midnight supply run anyone?" She states.
"Not sure that's a good idea." Gunner states, focusing on the window.
"I'm down." Kelsey says.
"Sweet. Rachael you in?" Piper asked.
"Nah I'm with Gunner on this." I say, gazing at the flames.
"Suit yourselves." They say, disappearing into the night.

Pipers Pov
Time skip

I shake and kick the mall doors with all my power. Kelsey screams as a creatures silhouette casts over me. The door flies open as the being grabs my right arm with a firm grip. He looks to me with his lifeless gray eyes as his teeth sink into my shoulder.
An axe goes through its arm and I look to Kelsey, who didn't see the zombies teeth sink into my shoulder.
"Come on come on let's go!" She yelled.
We reach the lobby and barricade the door. Just as we finish I collapse to the ground and clutch my neck.
"Piper!" Kelsey gasps rushing to my aid.
"Don't spare me, I don't want to become one of them." I say.
She nods before everything goes bright. I suddenly see again and everything becomes glazed over.
It is int long before I feel a hatchet in my head and all my lights get shut off.

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