I love you

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Lauren's Pov
I rush through the door only to hear Rachael yell my name.
I turn around, about to go back, but when I go to open the door it was locked.
"Shit." I mumble.
I turn around and run as fast as I can through the halls.
"VINCENT?! ERYN?!" I yell.
I continue calling out their names till I stand in front of a motionless body.
It was Eryn.
I kneel down beside her as tears roll down my face. There was a large bite on her leg and arms. I knew what I had to do.
I pull out my hatchet and slice her skull to damage the brain. I pull the axe back out and stare at my dead friend.
"I'm sorry." I whisper.
Just then an ear piercing scream came from down the hall.
"VINCENT!" I scream, grabbing my hatchet in one hand and a gun in the other.
I sprint down the halls desperate to find the raven haired boy. The halls went silent and empty. I hear fast paced footsteps on the squeaky tile floor.
I look up to see Vincent running strait towards me faster than I've ever seen him run.
He looks to me and his eyes widen. He smiles before he quickly frowns and rapidly waves his arms around.
"RUN RUN RUN!!!" He screams.
I wait until he's close then run alongside him.
I ask no questions and follow him to the auditorium doors. We pull on the doors viciously. He then looked to the right.
"Come on the other auditorium door!" He said.
Luckily enough that one opens immediately. We sprint down the rows of seats and out the escape exit. We make it outside and I happily yell.
"Guys start the ca-" I look up to see no one.
They left.
"Did I seriously take that long?" I say to myself.
The sudden sound of an engine roared as I turn to see Vincent frightened by the fact he started a slick black motorcycle.
"Sweet!" I exclaim as I jump in front. Vince sits behind me and as soon as I speed off he grips his arms around me.
"You okay?" I laugh.
All I hear is a slight whimper and I feel him nod.


I continue driving till we reach a small strip-mall. I turn the motorcycle in the lot and Vince and I hop off.
"This will do." I say.
Vincent opens the door to Daniels Produce. He steps in and looks around. And right before I step in Vincent falls to the ground and there's a gunshot.
I hide behind the door, loading my gun.
"Come on girly don't be scared we ain't gonna hurt ya." A southern sounding voice said.
"How do I know you're not playing me?" I say, sternly and confident.
"You just don't now do ya." The man said.
Just then I turn and immediately shoot. I continue firing till I hear something fall to the ground. The man lay there. Dead.
I pick up his body and set him in the dump out back.
Right then I rush up to Vincent. I check and see if he still has a pulse.
Yep he's alive.
I heavily sigh in relief and start to wrap his arm in bandages. Right after I'm finished i go to start a fire to keep warm.

:::::Vincent's Pov:::::
I open my eyes and mumble slightly.
Not words just moans of pain.
Quickly Lauren rushes to me and hugs me tightly. I feel a warm liquid run down my shoulder. I press my hand against it and inspect the crimson liquid that now stained my hand.
I look to Lauren who looks to me. She hadn't straightened her curls and they framed her face perfectly. She had always hated them but I admired them so much. Her eyes were the same emerald green they were when I first met her, but they now have a spark to them. They're so warm so welcoming. She smiled as tears flooded the banks of her eyelids.
"You're okay." She said smiling.
And again she hugged me, with her head rested in the crook of my neck.
I lean my head against hers and wrap my arms around her.
"You don't ever have to live a day without me." I smile.
Her warmth was comforting and safe. She righted her grip and laughed as she pulled back looking at my eyes.
"I love you. And I know it's just a cheesy phrase but I mean it. I love you. And I couldn't imagine a day without you. And I want to spend our last days together." She smiled.
Before I could respond she pressed her lips to mine. I kiss back and deepen the kiss. Her soft hands run through my hair and I pull her closer. Soon enough we pull back for air and look at each other.
"I love you Lauren."
"I love you Vince."
She rests her head back down and closes her eyes and smiles.

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