epilogue (2)

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"wow. your car is pretty cool." jackson commented.

"thanks haha." jaebum scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"if you're this rich, why do you still work in a cafe?"

"I'm not rich. my parents are."

"can we start driving already?" youngjae bounced impatiently on jackson's lap.

jaebum chuckled and ruffled youngjae's hair before placing his hands on the steering wheel and heading off for the amusement park.


"its... so... big..." youngjae whispered in awe.

"where do you want to go first?" jaebum asked.

"that!" youngjae pointed excitedly at the roller coaster.

colour visibly drained from jaebum's face.

he cleared his throat and said,"uh, that. I think that will be too scary for you. how about the merry-go-round?"

youngjae shook his head.

"why? are you scared?" jackson teased.

"what? of course not." jaebum scoffed.

"then let's go?" jackson blinked his eyes, feigning innocence.

"yeah. let's go." jaebum said grimly.

youngjae sat in the middle with jackson and jaebum at his sides.

jaebum's knuckles turned white as he held on to the handle bar for his dear life.

"loosen up, the bar might break and you might fall to your death." jackson chuckled.

colour flushed back to jaebum's knuckles as his grip loosened.

"3, 2, 1!" the conductor for the ride hollered, pressing the button.





at no point of the ride did jaebum stop screaming.

relief coursed through him as the ride came to an end.

he stumbled out of his seat, mind still disorientated from the traumatic experience.

"that was so fun! let's go again!" youngjae squealed.

jaebum's eyes widened in alarm at youngjae's suggestion.

sensing jaebum's unwillingness to return to the ride any time soon jackson said,"how about we try other rides first?"

thank god that youngjae was an easily satisfied child whose attention span maxed out at 3 seconds.

youngjae nodded excitedly as he pointed to the viking.

definitely not jaebum's favourite ride. but at least it wasn't the roller coaster.


"this is so delicious!" youngjae's words were barely comprehensible with his mouth full of the cheese hot dog.

"don't talk while-" jackson was cut off.

jaebum grabbed a fistful of the popcorn from the box resting on his lap and stuffed it into jackson's mouth.

"let the kid live for one day." jaebum rolled his eyes playfully.

after roughly swallowing, jackson said in disapproval,"is this buttered popcorn?"

"yeah why?" jaebum cocked an eyebrow.

"caramel popcorn is the best. who even eats that trash?" jackson looked at the popcorn in disgust.

"excuse me! buttered popcorns are so good." jaebum put a hand on his chest, feigning offense.

"both are good." youngjae interjected, reaching over to jaebum and gorging on the buttered popcorn.


without them knowing a whole day has passed. the trio have tried almost every ride offered at the amusement park.

except for one.

the ferris wheel.

jaebum didn't really want to take the ferris wheel that night.

ferris wheels have always been a very couple-y thing to do. he wanted to wait for another time when they're alone.

just the two of them.


I'm so sorry for this super late update ahh there has been a lot of homework lately ;A;

I feel like this is a super crappy chapter I'm so sorry I promise to try to update sooner!!

not much jackbum/jaeson happened in this chapter but I promise something climatic is going to happen hehe.

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