Chapter 2: I'm the lovely girl

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Mamma was shaking me. it hurt. I rubbed my eyes and spoke quietly

"What is it mamma?"

She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself

"we, are going to a party, put on some Nice cloths an get down here, and if you take any longer than 10 minutes you are going to wish you where never born. Just like I do."

Tears stung my eyes as I hurried up the stairs. I searched my closet for something to wear. after around 5 minutes my eyes landed on a frilly pink dress. It is the same style as the dress from my fourth birthday, the only difference is that that dress was blue, and smaller. I yanked it out of my closet.

"ONE MINUTE LEFT!" Mamma yelled.

My feet flew down the stairs as I hurried to get back to my mamma before time was up.

"I'm here mamma! I'm here!" My voice was louder than I thought it was.


I didn't say anything. If I did, I would get lashes, and I didn't like lashes. Mamma took my hand and led me to the door. If there was one thing I liked about party's, it was that it meant mamma was going to be nice to me. At least for a while. As we drove to the party, wherever it was, mamma warned me about everything that i should and shouldn't do.

"Do not tell anyone anything about what happened yesterday, if they ask you how your day was you say good and then stay quiet. Don't embarrass me in any way. do not get your dress dirty. be as proper as possible. keep away from people if possible. no running. no jumping, no laughing. Did I leave anything out?"

I shook my head no. A little while after we got finished talking, A big mansion came into view. It had blue doors, blue shutters, blue windowsills, and everything else was white. except the flowers of course. My oh my. there where lots and lots of flowers, and so many different types too. My daydreaming about the flowers was interrupted by mamma yanking me out of the car, I knew she wouldn't be mean to me inside. she had to look good, and she wouldn't if she hurt me. Me and mamma walked through the towering double doors of the mansion. I stared in awe at the beautiful decorations. There where flower pots hanging from the ceiling, containing beautiful flowers of all different shapes and colors. My eyes fell on a picture hanging from a nail in the wall. It was a tree, more beautiful than anything I have ever seen. On the tree were what must have been hundreds of small pink flowers. What was the tree called? I had to know. My hand reached for the hem of my mothers solid white skirt, but I stopped, i knew better than to ask mamma the name of the pretty pink tree, It would make her mad. so instead i tugged on the hem of another women's dress.

"Excuse me." I spoke quietly, so not to let my mamma know I was talking. The women turned around.

"Yes, dear."

It took me a moment to reply, I was so dumbfounded. The women was nice. But then again, she could be acting, like mamma.

"oh,um, what is the name of that tree?" I pointed my finger towards the painting.

"Oh, well that there is a Japanese cherry tree. The flowers are called Japanese cherry blossoms."

my face scrunched up.

"Jae-pon-ese?" I tried to pronounce.  

She laughed.

"No, dear. J-A-P-A-N-E-S-E, Japanese." She sounded it out for me.

"Oh, I get it now!" I exclaimed. 

I turned to walk away, just to run strait into mamma. Oh, no. Her face was getting red, i could tell she was having trouble to keep from hurting me in front of everyone. I knew she would later. I had broken her #1 rule: Don't talk to anyone.

"I-I'm sorry mamma-"

"I don't want to here it."

she turned to the women I was talking to.

"I am so sorry Anna, I don't know what has gotten into that girl, I told her not to bother anyone." mamma looked almost as if she where pleading with Anna. Strange. I thought Anna was nice.

"Oh Lisa, that's quite all right. The girl was just wondering what the tree in the picture was. no harm done."  

She called mamma Lisa.I had to think for a moment before I understood. Oh! that's right, mamma's name is really Lisa. 

"Well, I think me and Alice should get going."

Mamma was going to take me home! But I cant go yet! I don't want to leave. And on top of that when we get home mamma was going to punish me for talking to that lady!

My heart was racing and so was my mind, I needed to think of a way out of here.

Without a second thought I turned and ran. My feet flew across the white marbled floor. i turned to find that mamma didn't notice my absence, yet. My hair flew as I turned every which way, looking for a place to hide. I was running out of time. without many options I ran up the stairs, only to find that there where two large doors blocking my path, and they where locked. I turned to head back down but smacked right into a boy. he looked about 10 maybe. i fell.

"oh! I'm sorry!" he exclaimed. 'I didn't see you there."

The boy held out his hand to help me up. reluctantly, I took it.

"so whats your name?" he asked.

'Oh, um, Alice." 

he smiled at me. 


Now this could get interesting..... 

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