17: Day one

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I stood in front of the school gates, I almost didn't come outside this morning. I was Petrified that Lisa would come to take me. I took and deep breath and..... Just stood there.

"Are you going to move or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?"

I turned around to see a boy about my age. He had short, but not too short, black, spiked up hair, and his eyes were a color of striking blue I had never seen before.

I didn't say anything, I just stood their.

"Ky, give the girl a break, I'm pretty sure shes new. Ali, or Anna or something"

I looked at the guy who had just walked up, He had really tan skin and dark curly hair, his eyes were the color of chocolate.

"Its Alice." I corrected him.

He turned and looked at me.

"My names Jace, This is Ky, He can be a little rude sometimes, but he means well."

Jace smiled at me. He seemed like someone who would be really popular. He was good looking, nice, and he looked like he would be really good at sports.

Ky however, looked the like he would be the opposite, he looks like a loner, a bad boy, He looked like the kind of guy most girls would want to date, just because he's cool.

after a few moments of awkward silence, Ky spoke up.

"so are we all just going to stand here or are we going to go to class, because I would rather not be late."

"Oh yeah!" Jace said "I remember you from the new student board, your in our grade, we have first and seventh period together, and I think you and Ky share every class except sixth."

I felt kind of relieved to know someone besides Damian in my classes. I looked down at my schedule. I had Health first period.

"Uh, do you guys think you could show me were Health is?"

Jace looked ecstatic.

"No problem! I'll show you your first and seventh hour, and Ky can show you the rest!" 

Ky gave him a glare that could freeze hell, but Jace didn't seem to notice, his cheeky smile never wavered. 

"don't volunteer me. ever think maybe I don't want to show the new girl around? Im not your assistant."

Jace turned toward him and gave him his best evil grin.

"but, if you don't show the new girl around, then I can't promise your safety..."

Ky actually laughed.

"you couldn't hurt a fly." He seemed to think for a moment, "But I guess Ill do you a favor and show her to her classes, but that's all I'm doing."

"awesome! well, I guess we better go, the bells gonna ring in like 2 minutes." 

Jace grabbed my hand and ran. I almost couldn't keep up...Dang that boy could run.

The bell rang right before we got into the classroom, as soon as the door opened everyone turned and stared straight at us. Damian was already seated in the far right corner of the room two other people sat back there with him.

Jace turned to me.

"In this class we all sit in groups of four, you can sit with me, Ky, and Gabby"

"who's Gabby?"

"Gabby is Ky's sister, she's pretty chill."

I looked over at damian, he smiled and I knew he wanted me to sit with him and his friends. So I had to choose. In the end, I chose Jace and Ky.

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