Touched *2*

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As the car screeched to a halt, Fern pushed her fat uncle out of the way and barrelled out of that hellhole. Sam politely waited for everyone else to get out first before he finally did himself, all the time with a smile on his face.

Fern was fuming. Why did he have to be so nice? "I swear, if I could get a little guyliner and a piercing or two on him..."she thought to herself desperately.

Sam smiled sweetly at her and took her hand. Her entire body locked in place and her angry expression faltered.

"Come on," he coaxed, gently pulling her by her black nail polish - bearing hand.

"One second, Sam" Fern's mom, Ava, cut in. Sam nodded and continued on into the building.

"Fern, you listen to me RIGHT NOW," Ava snapped, ignoring Fern's murderous face. "This is a nice party. A gentle, sweet party for your Aunt Em. No fussing, no complaining, no walking around looking suicidal. Stay with Sam."

Fern's previous irritation at her moms command melted into satisfaction. Stay with Sam? There was no other thing in the world that would give her more happiness.


Fern's skin tingled at the sound of Sam's smooth voice caressing her name. With a huge grin (quite unnatural for Fern) she nearly pranced to Sam.

"Let's rock this party," Sam whispered in her ear, his cool breath fanning her face.

Fern couldn't move, and her fingers ached for that pack of cigarettes she'd snuck into her bag. Fern had been smoking since she was 10 and was thoroughly addicted. Her first time had been with Sam, when they were curious how a cigarette tasted like. Since then, Fern smoked a pack a day secretly while Sam cut down to about one cigarette every other day.

Unfortunately for Sam, there wasn't going to be any "rocking" done to the party that day. It was very elegant. People dressed in formal clothes mingled throughout the huge room. A strings ensemble played a delicate tune. Flowers were strewn in gorgeous patterns and designs. kids in tiny frocks and suits scurried around, giggling.

Not your typical nightclub.

Sam was immediately sucked into a huge group of happy people. Fern was, as usual, left out in the cold.

"MY LITTLE DARK ANGEL!" Aunt Em's cheery voice boomed out to her. She whipped around in shock.

She absolutely hated Aunt Em. She was so fluffy and bouncy. Not physically, of course. Physically, she was stick-skinny with boobs that had been surgically altered atleast 5 times, crow-black hair that was straightened three times a day, and a bony face that looked like all the skin had been sucked out by a vacuum cleaner.

"Oh, Ferny!" em gushed, squeezing Fern tightly. Fern winced.

"Em!" someone called.

"Okay, gotta jet! Tootsies!" and just like that, Em skittered off.

Fern was already sick. Suddenly, she saw a huge balcony outside and made a beeline for it. She really needed some smoke.

Just before she slid open the door to the balcony, she cast one fleeting glance towards Sam, who was enveloped between a lot of people. He was currently being squeezed by Aunt Em and laughing. Her heart plummeted.

No matter what, they'd never be the same.

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