Touched *21*

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"Room 30C," the receptionist at the hospital told Sam. "Third floor."

"Thanks." Sam's mom had dropped Sam at the hospital Fern was at on her way to work. Her office building was really close to it.

Sam stepped into the elevator and pushed the "3" button. It had been 5 days since Fern's accident, Sam still didn't know why Fern had collapsed or what exactly had happened to her. Ava told Jane (Sam's mom) that Fern was awake but still on the mend.

Sam speedwalked through the halls until he saw 30C, and burst in.

The sight he saw was unbelievable.

Fern was on a hospital bed, looking pale and sickly. There was oxygen tubes under her nose and a heart monitor next to her, beeping loudly. Her eyes were closed.

"F-Ferny?" Sam had a bouqet of fake roses with him. He'd spray-painted them black. Fern had always wanted black roses, so now she could keep them forever.

Her eyes shot up, and she suddenly looked wide awake. Fern was tough, and she could fight through anything.

"Are you...are you dead?" Sam blurted, not thinking.

"Yes, Sam. I'm dead. That's why I'm talking to you and my heart monitor is beeping steadily."

"Sorry." Sam gulped. "I really thought you'd died," he added softly. "I haven't been sleeping well."

"You think you have it bad?" Fern laughed and suddenly burst into a coughing fit. "I'm okay," she choked when it was over.

Sam walked over to her and handed her the roses. Her eyes lit up and she took them. She sniffed them.

"They smell like Coco Chanel," she told him accusingly.

"I sprayed them with my mom's perfume," he admitted. "They're fake. But they'll last longer."

"Oh, God. Sam, you really are my best friend, aren't you? Hug me. I missed you, man."

He gingerly hugged her, careful not to disturb any wires.

"Nice leather jacket," she murmured in his ear. "You look sex-ay."

He grinned hugely. Oh, Fern.

"So. What happened to you?" Sam sat down on the chair.

She sighed. "Heart attack. Apparently from excessive tobacco comsumption. It clogged up my heart or something. I don't care about all the medical stuff."

"Oh my God, Fern."

"Well, now Mom & Dad know about my smoking and I'm grounded until college. They freaked."

"Please don't smoke anymore, Fern. I can't live through seeing you like this." he was stricken.

Fern suddenly remembered something and grinned mischieviously. "So SOMEONE tried to put the moves on me at the wrong time and the wrong place."

Sam blushed so hard Fern was pretty sure all that heat could keep a city warm for the winter. "I..."

"It was funny," Fern chortled.

"Fern, I..."

"Dude, it's okay. It was cute." More than cute. Fern was pretty sure just living on that one memory could keep her alive forever.



"Fern, I...I love you."

Fern froze. The heart monitor screeched to a halt.

"Oh, s*** !" Sam jumped up. "Fern? Fern, breathe!"

Fern took a deep breath and the heart monitor resumed. Sam eyed her warily.

"I'm good."

"How come everytime I do something like this, you..."

"You were saying?" she interrupted.

Sam cleared his throat and held her hands.

"I know I'm too young to fall in love, and all that, but I have. With you. You're my best friend in the entire world, and Maya's just a b**** . I don't know how I could've ever chose her over you." Sam smiled. "You're the most beautiful girl in my life, and..."

"Sam, shut up. You're making me mushy." Fern laughed. "I love you, too," she said softly. "I always have. And I TOLD you Maya's a b**** ."

"You're a b**** , too, but an awesome one."

"That just made my day. Literally. God, I love you."

Sam smiled, and gently pressed his lips to hers.

And this time - the heart monitor never stopped.

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