Touched *9*

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"Fern?" Sam called tentatively as he returned to his house. He knew Fern and Maya didn't like each other, but Fern was always the more emotional one and he knew she was pissed. She was his best friend after all.

He heard sounds in the kitchen. Loud bangs.

He took a deep breath. He promised Maya he'd talk to Fern. Poor Maya. Sam did know that Fern could get a little harsh.

"What." Fern's cold voice called back.

"Okay, Ferny..."

"Just shut up, Sam. Shut up and run back to your little girlfriend."

Sam sighed.

Fern had poured herself a huge bowl of whipped cream and was licking the soft sugary cloud. Sam watched her cautiously. Fern tended to overeat whenever she was frustrated, which was frequently.

"Fern, maya told me something."

"It's probably a lie."

"Did you really beat her up as kids?"

Fern rolled her eyes. "What a b**** ."


"I never beat her up. I used to mind my own f*** ing business and she'd bounce up and call me stupid and tell me I was ugly and s*** ."

Sam frowned. "That's not what she told me."

Fern threw her hands in the air in frustration. "Duh!"

"Look, Fern, I think you should put your past quarrels aside and give Maya a chance. She means well."

"So does my fist," Fern grumbled, stalking off to Maya's house. Her foot wanted a little quality time with Maya's face.


"I'm confused. I didn't order a pile of trash," Maya said, when she saw Fern at her door.

"Let me in, mongrel. I need to talk to you."

"This mouth..." Maya ran her long fingers across her creamy lips. "Would rather smack itself onto Sam's than argue with rebel wannabes."

Fern was about to explode. "I know you, Maya. You don't really love him. He..."

"He WHAT, Fern?" Maya cut in. "He 'isn't that type of guy'? He fell for me, and that proves that he is. I totally got him."

Fern's arms were trembling with white-hot fury.

"Oh, wait. WAIT." Maya gazed into Fern's eyes. "You like him."

"What the hell, no."

"Ohmigod!" Maya squealed. "You LIKE him! I can't believe it! FERN LIKES SAM, FERN LIKES SAM!"

"Maya, shut..."

"Oh, EVERYTHING makes sense now!" Maya said. "Why you've been pissed ever since I met him."

"I do NOT like him!"

"You better not, Black Princess. Now get this through your pierced, tattooed brain." Maya leaned closer to Fern till she was pressed against the wall.

"Sam will never, ever be yours," Maya seethed. "Got that? No playing any pity games with him, because he won't cave. I got him, Fern."


"I. Got. Him."

And at the moment...she did.

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