Touched *10*

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Fern had never smoked as much as she had that night.

After she had polished off two packs of cigarettes, the empty feeling in her still hadn't been replenished.


She'd recognize that voice anywhere. She turned and saw Sam on the deck right next to hers. He looked as if he'd just woken up, and considering it was 3 AM, he probably had.

"Sam. Why are you awake?"

"I smelled smoke from my bedroom. Could you please stop?"

She looked down at the burning cigarette in her hand. "No."

"I'm quitting, Fern."

Fern froze.

Sam sighed and hopped over to Fern's deck, careful not to make a sound. He held his hand out for the cigarette.

Fern shook her head.

He raised an eyebrow. "Please."

After a minute, she finally gave it to him. She expected him to chuck it into the trees, but instead he stuck it into his mouth.

She watched him with her wide, raccoon-like eyes. Watching him smoke HER cig felt really...

...really damn good.

"This is my last," he informed her, gazing up at the moon, and then staring straight into her eyes. "I wanted it to be with you."

Fern's knees buckled with shock.

"Whoa." Sam reached out and caught her in his arms. He smiled. She was mesmerized by his kind, wide smile. When he smiled, it made her want to smile, too. Sam's happiness was hers, and vice versa.

"Too...too much smoke." Fern said as Sam released her.

"Get some sleep, Ferny." Sam told her gently. "You stay up too late."

Fern couldn't take it anymore. Like a girl in some stupid chick flick, she threw her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. Her heart seemed to soar into the heavens when he pressed his check against the top of her head tenderly, wrapping his long arms around her waist. He was so big.

"Fern?" he whispered after a moment.

"Oh..." she unwrapped herself from him.

"Fern." he placed his hands on her shoulders. She gazed up at him longingly.

"Go to bed." his sweet breath fanned her face.


He grinned and gave her a playful shove. She shoved him back and dashed into her house before he could get her back.

As she lay in bed, she knew one thing for sure.

Nowhere in the universe was there a boy like Sam. Nowhere.

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