Touched *5*

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What the hell was that b**** doing, talking to her Sam? She furiously stormed over to the happy couple and slapped Maya's shoulder.

Sam gasped, and shoved Fern off. "Wha-"

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Fern screeched at a shocked Maya.

Sam was fully prepared to be the Mature-Good Guy to protect Maya when suddenly she screamed, "YOU TELL ME? WHAT DID I DO THIS TIME?"


"STOP!" Sam yelled.

Both girls froze and turned to look at him.

"What's going on? How do you know each other?" Sam asked.

"She's my crappy aunt's daught-" fern started to explain.

"SHUT THE f*** UP, YOU..."

"You two are RELATED?" Sam exclaimed.

Fern bared her teeth at Maya. "Unfortunately so."

"You are disgusting," Maya sneered.

"Come on, Sam," Fern urged. "You know what they say - its not nice to talk to nasty weasels."

Maya frowned.

"Fern, what.." sam protested as she dragged him further away from maya.

"Stay away from her," Fern seethed. "That girl is insane. You may catch her crazy."

"Are you kidding me? She's so cool."

"Sure." Fern was seeting on the inside. She knew that her cousin Maya was beautiful. She also knew that Maya was moving to the house right across the street from Sam and her. Maya had come from New York. Her parents were looking for better job opprotunities and education for Maya.

She also knew that Sam was going to fall head over heels in love with Maya.

Fern and Maya's families had lived together in the same house since they were four, in michigan. Then Mayas family went to new york and ferns family went to the tiny city of herndon in virginia.

Fern knew that Maya was a total guy-magnet and goody-goody. Everyone adored her, and she was popular at whatever school she went too.

She was just like Sam.

And now, Fern knew it. He was going to be sucked into her spell. And there was no way out.

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