Touched *20*

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Maya was so, so, so, SO furious. Her face and ears were literally bright red. Her parents had been blabbering the entire time at dinner about Fern and Sam...

...and how they'd gone to DC together.

Maya was about to blow up. SHE was the queen. SHE was the special one. Sam was supposed to be taking her to cool places. They were DATING!

That was the limit! She stormed out of her house and banged on Sam's door. Even after 10 minutes, no one responded. She rang the bell and knocked what seemed like a billion times.

Finally Sam opened the door. His eyes were half closed and his hair looked like there was a mouse living in it.

"Maya," he groaned. "It's kind of 1 AM."

"What. The hell. Is. Your PROBLEM?" She screamed.

He yawned. "Heart attack."

Maya put her hands on her hips. "Excuse me."

"Ugh...can we talk tomorrow? I'm in a really bad mood."

"Oh, you think you're in a bad mood? Well, so am I!" Maya snapped.

"Really," Sam grumbled. "Did you watch your best friend pass out and almost die directly in front of your eyes?"

"What are you talking about? Did a little too much smoke and DC air get to your head?" Maya sneered.

Sam froze in the middle of a yawn. "What?"

"You, take ME, your girlfriend, to some STUPID pizza buffet crap, and take your dinky little Black Angel to roam DC? what AM I to you? Do you not CARE?"

"We're done," Sam said simply.

Maya froze. ""

"I'm through with you," he explained after a huge yawn. "Because face it. What's the point of dating you when I love Fern?"

Maya looked as if he'd thrown a rock at her.

"Yeah." he shrugged. "I love Fern. Because when I'm with her, I'm complete. I'm ME."

"Oh, yes, and when you're with me, you're a crazy flesh-eating monster, aren't you?"

"You don't even like me, Maya." He stretched. "You weren't even interested in me yesterday night."

"Who's 'interested' at a pizza buffet full of screaming high schoolers and smells like cheese?"

"Oh, but you were extremely interested after I mentioned the fact that I smoked."

"Oh, great. So now you think I'm using you."



"i KNOW you're using me."

Maya seethed. "I'm leaving you. Forever."


And with that, he shut the door.

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