Chapter 1

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Harry woke up in his warm bed, a smile on his face as he stared up at the ceiling of his room. The sun shining brightly, and the light coming into his room. Harry sighed, rolling out of his queen sized bed, going into his luxurious bathroom.

He didn't have to strip off his clothes, considering he slept naked. He knew it was going to get him in trouble one day but he was the Prince of Cheshire, he was sure it couldn't be much.

He lathered soap on his body, humming a random tune. Once he was done he stepped out of the bathroom, putting on his clothes that were set on the handle of his dresser, the day prior. There was no special occasion, just Harry being the Prince of Cheshire.

He buttoned up his shirt and pants and slipped on his coat. He combed his hair to the back, making sure they were neat before he smiled at himself in the mirror. He was happy. He wasn't like the princes who had an image to hold, who had expectations to meet. His parents were lovely, they accepted who he was, what he wanted to do, they supported him no matter what and Harry considered himself the luckiest person in the world. Because yes there were some princes who were told what to do, how to behave and who to be. But Harry's parents didn't. They were happy with who Harry was. They didn't have to worry about Harry behaving a certain way because he was soft spoken, kind, had the best etiquettes without them forcing it on him. Of course he was given educated on it, but altogether it was Harry's choice. Harry was just himself. His parents considered themselves lucky to have such a child.

Harry likes to be neat and organised, liked to plan what he was going to do next. Liked to have control over his future, how much ever he could. He was prepared before hand for everything. He was proud of that, his life was in order. One of his best friends, Niall, said he didn't enjoy life at the present, he was too busy thinking about the future. He said Harry wasn't living his life to the fullest. But Harry disagreed. He wondered what he meant. Harry did live his life to the fullest. He got what he wanted, he did his battle training, he studied, he sat and had three meals with his parents and talked about his day and what different things he learnt that day. What else could he possibly do? He was living life to the fullest.

He strode down to the dining room, smiling at the maids and others when he passed them. He respected the staff that worked here, after all they worked for him didn't they?

He entered the living room, kissing his parents' cheeks and sitting at the table.

"Good morning." He said, smiling.

"Morning son." His father said, smiling back.

"Morning." His mother said, smiling too.

"We're going to have a new chef coming today, his whole family is going to shift in actually. He's got a big one, I must say. Seven kids are a lot, aren't they?" Harry's father said.

Harry smiled, his eyes shining bright. Seven? Harry hoped they all were kids. He absolutely adored kids.

"What happened to Mark though?" Harry asked about the now former chef, smiling at  Martha as she kept his scrambled eggs in front of him.

"He's shifting. Says his mother needs him." The King replied.

Harry nodded and asked, "are the new chef's kids small? Or about my age?"

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