Chapter 12

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Sorry for the late update and stuff. You guys just too nice to me I'm sorry.


"What are you doing?" Louis asked Lottie as she barged in and started stuffing Louis' clothes in his bag.

"What's going on?" He asked again when he got no answer, confused, looking up as Eleanor came into his room too.

She looked towards his door and around his room,"Let's go on a walk, Louis." Eleanor said, looking at Lottie who just nodded.

"What's going on?" Louis asked again, frowning now, as Eleanor came and pulled him on his feet and dragged him out of his house.

"Eleanor and I are going for a walk around town mum!" Louis shouted putting on his shoes, before Eleanor pulled him out of the house.

His dad would be ecstatic when he hears Louis went out with Eleanor, atleast that's what Louis thinks.

They both walked away from Louis' house, towards the market Eleanor still not answering Louis'  answer making Louis annoyed by each passing second.

"Will you tell me what's going on?!" Louis snapped, pulling away his hand from Eleanor's grip which she was holding even then, they were a few blocks away from Louis' house.

"You're running away, tonight." Eleanor said, sighing.

"Well I never decided that!"

"You have to!"

"And why is that?!" He said, crossing his arms across his chest, pouting.

"They preponed the wedding! It's in a week Louis!" Eleanor said, her hands in the air.

"I...I..what? How did that happen?" Louis asked, shocked, running a hand through his hair, because last time he checked it was next month.

"Your father thought it'd be better to do it as fast as possible..."

Louis shook his head, pressing the heel of his palms on his eyes. This wasn't happening, from when did his life become so miserable?

"I need to talk to Harry...I can't just leave tonight. I need to inform him." Louis said, wiping his tears away, standing up.

"They won't let you near the palace! The security won't let you through!" Eleanor said, looking at him like he was crazy.

Louis smiled, "Let's just say being the Prince's secret boyfriend has some perks."


"Hey, Zayn." Louis said, smiling sheepishly at the chief of Cheshire in front of him, held by two guards from the shoulders.

"Louis!" Zayn exclaimed, a smile forming in his face.

"What are you guys doing? Let him go!" Zayn said, pulling Louis in a hug.

"And her too, she's an ally." Louis said, pointing at Eleanor.

Zayn hesitated but nodded anyway.

"What brings you here?" Zayn asked walking with Louis towards the palace, a hand placed protectively on Louis' back.

"I need to talk to Harry, it's urgent." Louis said, giving him the eye.

"He's busy—" Louis stared and stared.

"Don't look at me like that! Fuck you! Fine, go wait in the garden." Zayn said, shooing him away.

"I knew I could count on you, Zaynie!" Louis said, smacking a kiss on his cheek before Zayn left.

"I can't believe you know the chief of Cheshire." Eleanor said, eyes wide as she walked Zayn go.

Louis just smiled.


"We used to come here a lot, we'll probably come here a lot in the future too, hopefully. We used to have picnics here oh and we had our first kiss here too." Louis gushed about him and Harry to Eleanor who just smiled.

"Louis?" He heard Harry say from behind him.

Louis turned around, "Harry!" He shouted before running into Harry's arms.

"Louis." Harry whispered, holding Louis close, breathing in his scent, nuzzling his head in the crook of his neck, not believing he actually got to see him again, much less hold him.

Louis pulled back just so he could connect their lips together.

They kissed slowly, savouring the moment because it had been too long. Louis wondered how he'd survive this long without Harry.

Louis felt warm all over, Harry's arm making him feel safe again.

Louis ran his hands through Harry's curls as Harry pulled him closer circling his hands around Louis' waist. Harry licked Louis' bottom lip making him open his mouth and Harry let his tongue in and roam Louis' mouth savouring his taste because he didn't know how much longer he'd have to wait before he got to taste Louis again. God he'd missed this so much.

They pulled back, out of breath and Louis stared into Harry's green irises, breathing heavily.

"I missed you." He whispered, resting his forehead on Harry's.

"I missed you too." Harry said, breathing in, eyes shut.

They stayed silent after that, just holding each other relishing the feeling of being in each other's arms again.

"I'm running away." Louis said, out of no where.

"You're what?" Harry asked, pulling back, surprised.

"My dad is preponing the wedding, I can't do it Haz. I'm running away." Louis said, burying his head in Harry's chest.

"Are you sure about it? You said—"

"I don't think I can convince them Haz, they'll always be how they are. I'm not going to lose you for the this."

Then Louis heard someone clear their throat and then he remembered, right, Eleanor was here too.

"Oh Harry, meet Eleanor. My fiancé..?" Louis said,
scrunching his nose.

Harry's grip tightened on Louis' waist and he pulled him closer if that was possible, his eyes set in a glare, almost challenging Eleanor.

"What do you mean fiancé?"

"Well she's the one my parents chose for me to marry.." Louis mumbled, blushing.

Eleanor giggled at that,"It's a honour to meet you, your Highness. And I'm more or less Louis' friend. Louis talks a lot about you and how you both came to be. It's beautiful, really."

Harry smiled at that, she was no threat. She wasn't going to steal his Louis away from him like everyone else.

"It's good to meet you too. Thank you for being a friend to Louis." Harry said, politely.

"Okay, so be ready? I'll be here at night around one in the morning....that is if I don't get caught." Louis said.

"Okay.Be careful, my prince. I love you." Harry mumbled, kissing him.

"I love you too." Louis replied.

Now all they could do was hope, everything would be okay.


It's shitty and not edited. Give me a break its 2 am. Hope you like it! Leave comments behind! And thank you for reading this shitty ass story!

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