Chapter 5

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sorry for not updating regularly .


Louis sighed, keeping away the mop.

He deserves a break, he thinks. Yes he does.

With that he makes his way to the Royal library. Harry had given him the permission right? Right.

So with a smile he entered the library and picked up a book he wanted to read.

Louis was always a fan of reading but his father never let him. He was supposed to work and help run the family, reading was a waste of time according to his father.

Louis was glad he could at least read here.

Louis started reading, humming a tune softly.

Louis was engrossed his book, oblivious to the world when suddenly a voice snapped him out of his daze.

"What are you doing here kid?" One of the guards snapped.

Louis gulped,"I-I-" he stuttered.

"Hope you have a good explanation for this in front of the King and Queen, you're a servant here, you can't just waldz in the Royal library." The guard said, and Louis was really scared of the look he was giving Louis.

Louis felt like he did something wrong when he didn't, honestly. He had the permission of the Prince.

Why should he take shit from the guard? He didn't take shit from Harry and   He was the fucking prince.

"Excuse me, but I have the permission from the Prince. He allowed me to come here whenever I pleased. So kindly leave me alone." Louis said, huffing.

The guard laughed, "you think I'm a fool? What makes you think I'll believe that?"

"But he did tell me!" Louis said, stomping his foot.

"Tell that to the King and the Queen." The guard said, dragging Louis with him.

"Keep your filthy hands off me! You can't touch a citizen against their will, literally, unless you have solid proof that they have done something illegal or offensive, or something that deserves imprisonment! It's the article fourty seven in the Book Of Rules of Cheshire! " Louis rambled, pulling away.

The guard let him go, a bit dumbstruck because servants don't know that.

"Go on open the door," Louis said, standing in front of the King's room,"I'll tell them, I'm not afraid."

The guard rolled his eyes and opened the door.

"Francis! What brings you here?" The King asks, looking at the guard.

"He was in the Royal library and he claims that Prince Harry gave him the permission."

"I claim that because that's what happened and in all due respect , your highness, I think your guards need to go through the Book of Rules of Cheshire once again."

The King stood there amused, "I'll make sure that happens Mr.Tomlinson and for your claim let's ask my son about it, okay ? So our guard over here is satisfied." The King said, a glint in his green eyes.

Louis smiled, he really liked the king.

"George go call Harry." The King told another one of the guards.

A few minutes later Harry walked in , in his posh suit and honestly he looked ridiculous Louis thought (ridiculous enough for Louis to drool and maybe, just maybe kiss him.) (no one has to know that)

"You called me, father?" He asked, confused —seeing Louis there.

"Yes, I did. You see Francis caught this young man in the library and he claims that you gave him the permission to go there."

Harry smiles, looking at Louis.

Louis tries to not smile back. He fails.

"Indeed I gave him the permission." Harry said, nodding.

"See you idiot? I don't lie. Next time don't touch me or I'll sue you in court," Louis said, looking at Francis who looked a bit guilty, "now excuse me , your highness."

With that Louis left, Francis following him.

"You let him go to the library?" The King asked.

"I took him there."

"But you don't let anyone go there."

"What can I say, he's special."



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